
datastore grammar version 47

'node identification' group (
	'composite key' component 'node identity'
	'key' component 'node identity'
	'none' component 'node identity'
'no variable' component 'variable'
'no filter' [ 'root' '=' ] component 'filter'
'variable assignment' ['root'] component 'optional variable assignment'
'application root node' component 'interface context id path'
'root context' component 'context'
'root member' component 'member'
'root' component 'node type mapping'
// 'numerical types' ['numerical-types-mapping'] collection (
// 	'source numerical types' collection ( )
// )
'EQ entity type'
'EQ collection'
'EQ interface node type'
'node identity'
'INEQ identification type'
'EQ member'
	'dereference' stategroup ( 'yes' )
	'delink' stategroup ( 'yes' )
'interface context id path'
	'has steps' stategroup (
			'type' stategroup (
				'collection entry'
					'collection' [ '.' , '[' ] reference
					'id' [ '@' , ']' ] reference
				'group' [ '+' ]
					'group' reference
				'state' [ '?']
					'state group' reference
					'state' [ '|' ] reference
			'variable assignment' component 'optional variable assignment'
			'tail' component 'interface context id path'
'key separator'
	'separator' ['join'] stategroup (
		'dot' ['.']
		'dash' ['-']
		'colon' [':']
		'greater than' ['>']
		'space' ['space']
'key constructor'
	'branch concatenation' stategroup (
			'type' stategroup (
				'prepend' ['prepend-branch']
				'append' ['append-branch']
			'constraint' stategroup ( 'no' )
	'key separator' stategroup (
			'key separator' component 'key separator'
			'constraint: composite key not allowed without key separator' component 'INEQ identification type'
			'no successor' stategroup ( 'no' )
'node type mapping' [ '(' , ')' ]
	'attributes' collection (
		'type' [ ':' ] stategroup (
			'command' [ 'command' ]
				'implementation' component 'command mapping'
				'type' stategroup (
					'collection' [ 'collection' ]
						'type' stategroup (
							'empty' [ '=' 'empty']
								'key type' stategroup (
									'dictionary' [ '=' ]
										'key constructor' component 'key constructor'
									'matrix' [ '->','=' ]
										'referencer' group (
											'head' component 'singular imp node path'
											'collection' [ '.' ] reference
											'branches' ['(',')'] collection ( ['-|']
												'tail' component 'conditional descendant imp node path'
												'constraint: interface node type equality' component 'EQ interface node type'
												'constraint: reference constraint not allowed for composite keys' component 'INEQ identification type'
								'has branch' stategroup has 'branches' first 'first' 'yes' 'no'
								'branches' ['(',')'] collection (
									'has successor' stategroup has successor 'successor' 'yes' 'no'
									'expression' ['='] component 'collection expression'
									'type' stategroup (
										'matrix' ['(', ')']
											'branch' ['from'] reference
											'key path' ['>[',']'] component 'collection key node path'
									'context' component 'context'
									'node' component 'node type mapping'
					'group' [ 'group' ]
						'expression' ['='] component 'group expression'
						'node' component 'node type mapping'
						'type' stategroup (
							'integer' [ 'integer' ]
							'natural' [ 'natural' ]
						'expression' ['='] component 'number expression'
					'reference' [ 'text' ]
						'referencer' ['->'] group (
							'head' component 'singular imp node path'
							'collection' [ '.' ] reference
							'branch' ['-|'] reference
							'constraint: reference constraint not allowed for composite keys' component 'INEQ identification type'
							'tail' component 'conditional descendant imp node path'
							'constraint: interface node type equality' component 'EQ interface node type'
						'expression' ['='] component 'reference expression'
					'state group' [ 'stategroup' ]
						'expression' ['='] component 'state expression'
					'text' [ 'text' ]
						'expression' ['='] component 'text expression'
					'file' ['file']
						'expression' ['='] component 'file expression'
	'attribute' component 'member'
'command mapping' ['do']
	'path' ['on'] component 'singular node path'
	'command' ['('] reference
	'argument mapping' [ 'with' ,')'] component 'argument mapping'
'argument mapping' [ '(' , ')' ]
	'properties' collection (
		'type' [ ':' ] stategroup (
			'collection' [ 'collection' ]
				'collection' [ '=' 'map' '@' '.' ] reference
				'argument mapping' component 'argument mapping'
				'numerical type' stategroup (
					'integer' [ 'integer' ]
					'natural' [ 'natural' ]
				'number' [ '=' '@' '#' ] reference
				'value provision' stategroup (
					'key' ['text' '=' '@key']
						'constraint: text is collection key' component 'EQ member'
						'constraint: text is not collection key' component 'EQ member'
						'has constraint' stategroup (
							'no' [ 'text' ]
								'text' [ '=' '@' '.' ] reference
							'yes' [ 'text' ]
								'type' ['='] stategroup (
										'reference' ['@' '>'] reference
										'path' component 'context node path'
			'file' ['file']
				'file' [ '=' '@' '/' ] reference
			'state group' [ 'stategroup' ]
				'type' [ '=' ] stategroup (
						'state' reference
						'argument mapping' component 'argument mapping'
					'map' [ 'switch' '(' '@' ]
						'state group' [ '?' , ')' ] reference
						'mapping' ['(', ')'] collection ( [ '|' ]
							'mapped state' [ '=' ] reference
							'argument mapping' component 'argument mapping'
					'match branch' ['match-branch']
						'path' ['(',')'] group (
							'head' component 'singular imp node path'
							'collection' ['.'] reference
							'item reference' ['[',']'] stategroup (
									'reference' ['@' '>'] reference
						'branches' ['(',')'] collection ( ['|']
							// 'tail' component 'conditional descendant imp node path'
							'state mapping context variable' stategroup (
								'current variable'
								'branch context variable' ['bind' '$']
							// 'EQ interface node type' component 'EQ interface node type'
							'state' ['='] reference
							'argument mapping' component 'argument mapping'
'filter expression'
	'has filter' stategroup (
			'filter' component 'filter'
			'has filters' stategroup has 'filters' first 'first' 'yes' 'no'
			'filters' ['(',')'] collection ( ['$']
				'has successor' stategroup has successor 'successor' 'yes' 'no'
				'type' stategroup (
					'singular result'
						'path' ['='] component 'conditional node path'
					'equality' ['=' 'equal']
						'left path' ['('] component 'singular node path'
						'right path' [',', ')'] component 'singular node path'
'group expression'
	'type' stategroup (
			'path' component 'singular node path'
			'context' component 'context'
			'variable assignment' component 'variable assignment'
'collection expression'
	'head' component 'context node path'
	'tail' component 'collection expression tail'
'collection expression tail'
	// pnet := pdnp filter? stva? pnet //ambiguous because filter and stva optional.
	// pnet := ( pdnp | pdnp filter pnet | pdnp filter stva pnet | pdnp stva pnet  )
	'has steps' stategroup (
			'filter' component 'filter expression'
			'type' stategroup (
					'step' component 'singular node step'
					'step' component 'conditional descendant node step'
					'step' component 'plural descendant node step'
			'variable assignment' component 'optional variable assignment'
			'tail' component 'collection expression tail'
'number expression'
	'path' component 'singular node path'
	'type' stategroup (
			'number' [ '#' ] reference
		'state context parameter'
			'number' [ '&#' ] reference
'file expression'
	'path' component 'singular node path'
	'file' [ '/' ] reference
'text expression'
	'path' component 'singular node path'
	'text' [ '.' ] reference
'state expression'
	'type' stategroup (
			'state' reference
			'node' component 'node type mapping'
		'dynamic' [ 'switch' '(' ]
			'path' component 'singular node path'
			'state group' [ '?' , ')' ] reference
			'states' [ '(' , ')' ] collection ( [ '|' ]
				'variable assignment' component 'optional variable assignment'
				'context' component 'context'
				'state' [ '=' ] reference
				'node' component 'node type mapping'
'reference expression'
	'path' component 'singular node path'
	'text' [ '>' ] reference
	'dereference' component 'dereference'
	'key path' ['(', ')'] component 'collection key node path'
	//how do we guarantee that the node is an actual member of the collection?
	// the problems is that we have path-dependent references,
	// and that we select a subset of nodes of a specific type,
	// where that subset depends on a complex path: the collection expression.
	//suppose, we only support reference navigation for the head of the collection expression
	//then, we have to prove for the first collection step that the context dependency equals that of the reference (or a path dependent ancestor reference)
	//so, starting at the target reference, we have to prove correctness for all preceding steps.
	//for example, a hierarchy orders.tasks requires three references; e.g.:
	// >'order' >'work order' >'task'
	// where we constrain that subsequent references depend on preceding references.
	// state group output parameters may be a problem, but we ignore them for now.
'optional variable assignment'
	'has assignment' stategroup (
			'assignment' component 'variable assignment'
'variable assignment' ['as' '$']
	'variable' component 'variable'
'ancestor variable path'
	'has steps' stategroup (
		'no' ['$']
		'yes' ['$^']
			'tail' component 'ancestor variable path'
// 'ancestor node path'
// 	'has steps' stategroup (
// 		'no'
// 		'yes' ['^']
// 			'tail' component 'ancestor node path'
// 	)
'context node path'
	'type' stategroup (
		'root' ['root']
			'head' component 'ancestor variable path'
			'type' stategroup (
					'filter' reference
			// 'tail' component 'ancestor node path' // use variables instead
'singular node path'
	'head' component 'context node path'
	'tail' component 'singular node path tail'
'singular node path tail'
	'has steps' stategroup (
			'step' component 'singular node step'
			'tail' component 'singular node path tail'
'singular node step'
	'type' stategroup (
		'group' ['+']
			'group' reference
			'text' ['>'] reference
			'dereference' component 'dereference'
		'state context parameter'
			'parameter' ['&'] reference
'conditional node path'
	'head' component 'context node path'
	'tail' component 'conditional node path tail'
'conditional node path tail'
	'head' component 'singular node path tail'
	'has steps' stategroup (
			'step' component 'conditional descendant node step'
			'tail' component 'conditional node path tail'
'conditional descendant node step'
	'type' stategroup (
			'state group' ['?'] reference
			'state' ['|'] reference
		'collection entry'
			'collection' ['.'] reference
			'delink collection key' component 'delink'
			'key' ['[',']'] group (
				'path' component 'singular node path' //OPT: conditional node path
				'text' ['>'] reference
				'delink text' component 'delink'
				'constraint: linked collection equals collection key link' component 'EQ collection'
'plural descendant node step'
	'collection' ['.'] reference
	'type' ['*'] stategroup (
		'derived' ['(derived)']
'collection key node path'
	'has steps' stategroup (
			'type' stategroup (
				'reference' ['>']
					'text' reference
					'dereference' component 'dereference'
					'constraint: text is collection key' component 'EQ member'
				'parent' ['^']
					'constraint: no parent step to outside collection' component 'EQ entity type'
				'filter' ['$']
					'filter' reference
			'tail' component 'collection key node path'
'conditional descendant branch imp node path'
	'type' stategroup (
			'state' ['|'] reference //should be '|' but that requires a schema change (always require a state; also for the static case)
'conditional descendant imp node path'
	'has steps' stategroup (
			'type' stategroup (
				'state' [ '?' ]
					'state group' reference
					'path' component 'conditional descendant branch imp node path'
				'group' [ '+' ]
					'group' reference
			'tail' component 'conditional descendant imp node path'
'singular imp node path'
	'has steps' stategroup (
			'type' stategroup (
				'parent' [ '^' ]
				'group' [ '+' ]
					'group' reference
				'reference' [ '>' ]
					'reference' reference
			'tail' component 'singular imp node path'