
connector grammar version 36.5

  1. Release Notes
    1. 36.5
      1. User functions
      2. Unicode Escape
    2. 36.4
      1. Added related items to network messages
    3. 36.3
      1. Added greedy pattern matching
      2. Base64 encoder
      3. Base64 decode
      4. Network message serializer
    4. 36.1
      1. Decimal format and locales
      2. Integer format
      3. Network authentication
      4. Partition on key
      5. Changed calendar data layout
      6. Added new IMAP function
      7. Added greedy pattern matching
      8. Strict XML serializer
      9. Hacks
      10. Deprecated make date/time
      11. Archive support
  2. The Standard Libraries
    1. Calendar
      1. Calendar Examples
    2. Network
      1. Network Examples
    3. Plural
      1. Plural Examples
    4. Unicode
      1. Unicode Examples
    5. Data
  3. Processor
    1. The internal library.
    2. The type of the connector.
    3. Internal error handler.
    4. Library Hook
    5. Interface Named Path
    6. Promise
    7. Value Promise
    8. Statement
  4. Examples

Release Notes


User functions

Added user functions.


Unicode Escape

Added an escape function with a custom dictionary.



Added the body related property to network message. This is currently only used by the serializer.


Added greedy pattern matching

Added greedy pattern matching option to integer and decimal patterns.

Base64 encoder

Added a base64 encoder function to the data library


Base64 decode

Added a base64 decode function to the data library.


Network message serializer

Added a function to serialize a network message to MIME text.


Decimal format and locales

Locales or no longer optional for decimal formats.

Integer format

A new integer format is added. Integers are a sequence of base-10 digits with an optional minus prefix for negative numbers.

Network authentication

Authentication format in the standard library network is changes to support OAuth2 Bearer tokens.

Partition on key

Support for key in partition operation.


Changed calendar data layout

Changed the data types of the calendar library to fix inconsistencies between convert and construct.


Added new IMAP function

Added a new IMAP function imap list to the standard library network. This function passes the unparsed message as a binary to a user callback.


Added greedy pattern matching

Added the option to switch between lazy and greedy text patterns. The default remains lazy matching.

example: lazy

example: greedy

Strict XML serializer

The XML serializer no longer performs any implicit type conversions. All conversions must be done explicitly.



The connector supports a dynamic set of hacks. These can be set/unset through the runtime configuration.

Deprecated make date/time

The make date, make date-time and make time operations are deprecated. These are replaced with the standard library function 'calendar'::'construct'.

Archive support

Added support for loading archives.

The Standard Libraries

The connector provides a set of standard libraries. These libraries provide functionality outside the language constructs of the connector.


The calendar library provides conversions between the connectors internal date time representation and broken down time.

define 'type' as @API choice ( 'date' 'date-time' 'time' )

define 'calendar' as @API {
	'year': integer
	'month': integer @limit: { 1 , 12 }
	'day': integer @limit: { 1 , 31 }

define 'weekday' as @API choice (
	'Monday':    1
	'Tuesday':   2
	'Wednesday': 3
	'Thursday':  4
	'Friday':    5
	'Saturday':  6
	'Sunday':    7
define 'week' as @API {
	'year': integer
	'week': integer @limit: { 1 , 53 }
	'day': 'weekday'

define 'ordinal' as @API {
	'year': integer
	'day': integer @limit: { 1 , 366 }

define 'time' as @API {
	'hour': integer @limit: { 0 , 23 }
	'minute': integer @limit: { 0 , 59 }
	'second': integer @limit: { 0 , 59 }

define 'date time' as @API {
	'calendar': 'calendar'
	'week': 'week'
	'ordinal': 'ordinal'
	'time': 'time'

define 'constructor' as @API {
	'date': union (
		'calendar' 'calendar'
		'week' 'week'
		'ordinal' 'ordinal'
	'time': optional 'time'

/* Converts Alan Time to broken down time.
 * When information is not present in the source, it is set to zero.
 * When timezone is not set, it will be evaluated in Etc/UTC.
define 'convert' as function
	< integer , 'date time' >
		$'source type': 'type'
		$'timezone': optional text
	binds: "d306bc04dd8d1409c53f6f882799eb3624b09ac0"

/* Construct Alan Time from broken down time.
 * The result is either a date-time or a date, depending on whether or not 'time' is set.
 * When timezone is not set, it will be evaluated in Etc/UTC.
define 'construct' as function
	< 'constructor', integer >
		$'timezone': optional text
	binds: "596421faebb0db07f3b4f56c5af963b79f0c3012"


Calendar Examples

consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'source' as 'calendar'/'constructor' = (
		'date' = create 'calendar' (
			'year' = 2021
			'month' = 2
			'day' = 3
		'time' = (
			'hour' = 10
			'minute' = 20
			'second' = 30
	let $'value' = $'source' => call 'calendar'::'construct' with ( $'timezone' = set "Europe/Amsterdam" )

	switch $'value' => is ( 212479060830 ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'source' as 'calendar'/'constructor' = (
		'date' = create 'calendar' (
			'year' = 2021
			'month' = 8
			'day' = 4
		'time' = (
			'hour' = 10
			'minute' = 20
			'second' = 30
	let $'value' = $'source' => call 'calendar'::'construct' with ( $'timezone' = set "Europe/Amsterdam" )

	switch $'value' => is ( 212494782030 ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"


The network library provides functions to perform network request and the data structures to represent related objects.

define 'network method' as @API choice ( 'get' 'head' 'post' 'put' 'delete' )
define 'network security' as @API choice ( 'strict' 'preferred' 'none' )
define 'key value list' as @API collection case folding text

define 'network request' as @API {
	'method': 'network method'
	'parameters': optional 'key value list'
	'headers': optional 'key value list'
	'content': optional binary
define 'network response' as @API {
	'status': integer
	'headers': 'key value list'
	'content': binary

define 'network authentication' as @API {
	'type': union (
		'user' {
			'username': text
			'password': @protected text
		'oauth' {
			'username': text
			'token': @protected text

define 'network message part' as @API {
	'mime type': text
	'mime sub type': text
	'content': binary
define 'network message part list' as @API list {
	'name': text
	'part': 'network message part'
define 'network message' as @API {
	'from': 'key value list'
	'recipients': 'key value list'
	'recipients extra': optional 'key value list'
	'recipients hidden': optional 'key value list'
	'subject': optional text
	'headers': optional 'key value list'
	'attachments': optional 'network message part list'
	'body related': optional 'network message part list'
	'body': 'network message part'

/* Parses and decorates text as 'network message'.
 * A 'preferred mime subtype' of MIME type `text` must be provided.
 * When a MIME part with this type is found, it becomes a candidate for the body.
 * The MIME type `text/plain` is always considered as a candidate for the body.
define 'parse network message' as function
	< binary , unsafe 'network message' >
		$'preferred mime subtype': text
	binds: "04367c552ffced06d553544dd5c2f0cf943bcf83"

/* Serializes a 'network message' to text.
define 'serialize network message' as function
	<'network message', unsafe binary >
		$'include hidden recipients': boolean
	binds: "3897fab883e2f266c73367826f4ee37e5e5ab53e"

/* Performs an HTTP(S) request.
 * Methods are mapped directly to their HTTP equivalent.
 * When provided, 'content' is send with the request.
define 'http' as function
	< boolean , unsafe 'network response' >
		$'server': text
		$'path': text
		$'authentication': optional 'network authentication'
		$'request': 'network request'
	binds: "63c1fb9ebbc1814b5412bced4f7dc4cf5b5cdda5"

/* Performs an FTP(S) request.
 * Method mapping:
 *  > 'get': Retrieves the content of 'path'. For this to work on directories, 'path' must end with a slash (/).
 *  > 'head': Retrieves the directory entries at 'path' without meta data. 'path' must be a directory, but does not need to end with a slash (/).
 *  > 'post': Stores 'content' in 'path'.
 *  > 'put': Identical to 'post'.
 *  > 'delete': Attempts to remove 'path'. Unlike other methods, this transmits 'path' directly to the server for interpretation.
 * Only when storing data, should content be set.
define 'ftp' as function
	< boolean , unsafe optional binary >
		$'server': text
		$'path': text
		$'method': 'network method'
		$'authentication': optional 'network authentication'
		$'security': 'network security'
		$'content': optional binary
	binds: "508e0611fb1b359247f185b099fee1bbc085aa07"

/* Retrieves all messages matching 'criteria' with IMAP(S).
 * See RFC-3501 section 6.4.4 for valid values of 'criteria'.
 * All messages are parsed as if passed to `function 'parse network message'`.
define 'imap' as function
	< boolean , unsafe list 'network message' >
		$'server': text
		$'path': text
		$'criteria': text
		$'authentication': optional 'network authentication'
		$'security': 'network security'
		$'preferred mime subtype': text
	binds: "c2abe22b1ffd86fb2572e27aeb55f6523cad0d30"

/* Retrieves all messages matching 'criteria' with IMAP(S).
 * See RFC-3501 section 6.4.4 for valid values of 'criteria'.
define 'imap list' as function
	< boolean , unsafe list boolean >
		$'server': text
		$'path': text
		$'criteria': text
		$'authentication': optional 'network authentication'
		$'security': 'network security'
		$'callback': lambda on boolean (
			$'blob': binary
	binds: "d9bbba030f267e927db8832ff3036cb2b7b7965b"

/* Send a message with SMTP(S).
 * The message is serialized as if passed to `function 'serialize network message'`.
 * When the transfer fails, this function throws an error.
define 'smtp' as function
	< boolean , unsafe boolean >
		$'server': text
		$'authentication': optional 'network authentication'
		$'security': 'network security'
		$'message': 'network message'
	binds: "b0a76866da2d55eb03e332988519f788178c8f62"

	/* Register webserver handlers.
	 * The handler is used as the path to respond to.
	 * Each handler is triggered by external web requests for the path.
	hook 'webserver'
		on 'network response'
			$'request': 'network request'
		binds: "28d5a0a8bec41be6e4235c0b32ed0bafa13b7c34"

Network Examples

consumer ( )

/* Standard Library `network.lib`::`http` example
 *  this performs a simple HTTPS GET request and validates the response status
 *  when the request fails, the `throw` contains additional information about the cause
routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'response' = true => call 'network'::'http' with (
		$'server' = ""
		$'path' = "/path/to/resource"
		$'authentication' = unset
		$'request' = new (
			'method' = option 'get'
			'parameters' = create ["parameter"] "value"
	) || throw "http request failed"

	switch $'response'.'status' => less-than ( 400 ) (
		| true => no-op /* from here `$'response'.'content'` contains the resource data as `binary` */
		| false => no-op /* from here `$'response'.'content'` contains the error response as `binary` */
consumer ( )

/* Standard Library `network.lib`::`http` example
 *  this performs a simple HTTPS PUT request and validates the response status
 *  when the request fails, the `throw` contains additional information about the cause
routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'response' = true => call 'network'::'http' with (
		$'server' = ""
		$'path' = "/path/to/resource"
		$'authentication' = unset
		$'request' = new (
			'method' = option 'put'
			'headers' = create ["content-type"] "text/plain"
			'content' = "hello world" => call 'unicode'::'as binary' with ( )
	) || throw "http request failed"

	switch $'response'.'status' => less-than ( 400 ) (
		| true => no-op /* from here `$'response'.'content'` contains the resource data as `binary` */
		| false => no-op /* from here `$'response'.'content'` contains the error response as `binary` */
consumer ( )

/* Standard Library `network.lib`::`http` example
 *  this performs a simple HTTPS GET request with authentication and validates the response status
 *  when the request fails, the `throw` contains additional information about the cause
routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'response' = true => call 'network'::'http' with (
		$'server' = ""
		$'path' = "/path/to/resource"
		$'authentication' = set new (
			'type' = create 'user' (
				'username' = "username"
				'password' = "password"
		$'request' = new (
			'method' = option 'get'
	) || throw "http request failed"

	switch $'response'.'status' => less-than ( 400 ) (
		| true => no-op /* from here `$'response'.'content'` contains the resource data as `binary` */
		| false => no-op /* from here `$'response'.'content'` contains the error response as `binary` */
consumer ( )

/* Standard Library `network.lib`::`ftp` example
 *  this performs a simple FTPS GET request
 *  note that different versions of security exists for ftp
 *   > implicit security uses the `ftps://` protocol
 *   > explicit security uses the `ftp://` protocol and `STARTTLS` command
 *  by default we fail when the connection cannot be secured, see the example `` for an alternative
 *  when the request fails, the `throw` contains additional information about the cause
routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'resource' = true => call 'network'::'ftp' with (
		$'server' = "ftps://"
		$'path' = "/path/to/resource"
		$'method' = option 'get'
		$'authentication' = unset
		$'security' = option 'strict'
		$'content' = unset
	) || throw "ftp request failed"

	switch $'resource' get (
		| value as $ => no-op /* from here `$` contains the resource data as `binary` */
		| error => no-op
consumer ( )

/* Standard Library `network.lib`::`ftp` example
 *  this performs a simple FTPS GET request on a directory and parses the result
 *  note that different versions of security exists for ftp
 *   > implicit security uses the `ftps://` protocol
 *   > explicit security uses the `ftp://` protocol and `STARTTLS` command
 *  by default we fail when the connection cannot be secured, see the example `` for an alternative
 *  when the request fails, the `throw` contains additional information about the cause
routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'resource' = true => call 'network'::'ftp' with (
		$'server' = "ftps://"
		$'path' = "/path/to/resource"
		$'method' = option 'head'
		$'authentication' = unset
		$'security' = option 'strict'
		$'content' = unset
	) || throw "ftp request failed"
	let $'file list' = $'resource' get => call 'unicode'::'import' with ( $'encoding' = "ASCII" ) => call 'unicode'::'split' with ( $'style' = option 'none' ) || throw "ftp response parse error"

	walk $'file list' as $ => no-op /* from here `$` contains the file name relative to `$'path'` */
consumer ( )

/* Standard Library `network.lib`::`ftp` example
 *  this performs a simple FTPS PUT request
 *  note that different versions of security exists for ftp
 *   > implicit security uses the `ftps://` protocol
 *   > explicit security uses the `ftp://` protocol and `STARTTLS` command
 *  by default we fail when the connection cannot be secured, see the example `` for an alternative
 *  when the request fails, the `throw` contains additional information about the cause
routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'resource' = true => call 'network'::'ftp' with (
		$'server' = "ftps://"
		$'path' = "/path/to/resource"
		$'method' = option 'put'
		$'authentication' = unset
		$'security' = option 'strict'
		$'content' = set "hello world" => call 'unicode'::'as binary' with ( )
	) || throw "ftp request failed"

	switch $'resource' get (
		| value as $ => no-op /* from here `$` contains the resource data as `binary` */
		| error => no-op
consumer ( )

/* Standard Library `network.lib`::`ftp` example
 *  this performs a simple FTPS DELETE request
 *  caveat:
 *    unlike other FTPS request, this sends the path to the server as-is
 *    as a result the behavior of this instruction can vary between servers
 *  note that different versions of security exists for ftp
 *   > implicit security uses the `ftps://` protocol
 *   > explicit security uses the `ftp://` protocol and `STARTTLS` command
 *  by default we fail when the connection cannot be secured, see the example `` for an alternative
 *  when the request fails, the `throw` contains additional information about the cause
routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'resource' = true => call 'network'::'ftp' with (
		$'server' = "ftps://"
		$'path' = "/path/to/resource"
		$'method' = option 'delete'
		$'authentication' = unset
		$'security' = option 'strict'
		$'content' = unset
	) || throw "ftp request failed"

	switch $'resource' get (
		| value as $ => no-op /* from here `$` contains the resource data as `binary` */
		| error => no-op
consumer ( )

/* Standard Library `network.lib`::`ftp` example
 *  this performs a simple FTPS GET request
 *  note that different versions of security exists for ftp
 *   > implicit security uses the `ftps://` protocol
 *   > explicit security uses the `ftp://` protocol and `STARTTLS` command
 *  by default we fail when the connection cannot be secured, this example changes this behavior
 *   > for implicit security this option has no effect
 *   > for explicit security this option will suppress failures when we cannot secure the connection, it will NOT disable security when it is available
 *  when the request fails, the `throw` contains additional information about the cause
routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'resource' = true => call 'network'::'ftp' with (
		$'server' = "ftps://"
		$'path' = "/path/to/resource"
		$'method' = option 'get'
		$'authentication' = unset
		$'security' = option 'preferred' /*or 'none' to completely disable security*/
		$'content' = unset
	) || throw "ftp request failed"

	switch $'resource' get (
		| value as $ => no-op /* from here `$` contains the resource data as `binary` */
		| error => no-op
consumer ( )

/* Standard Library `network.lib`::`imap` example
 *  this performs a simple IMAPS request to load all new messages
 *  when the request fails, the `throw` contains additional information about the cause
routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'messages' = true => call 'network'::'imap' with (
		$'server' = "imaps://"
		$'path' = "/INBOX/"
		$'criteria' = "NEW"
		$'authentication' = unset
		$'security' = option 'strict'
		$'preferred mime subtype' = "html"
	) || throw "imap request failed"

	walk $'messages' as $ => no-op /* from here $ contains the message as `'network.lib'::'network message'` */
consumer ( )

/* Standard Library `network.lib`::`imap list` example
 *  this performs a simple IMAPS request to download all new messages
 *  when the request fails, the `throw` contains additional information about the cause
routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'results' = true => call 'network'::'imap list' with (
		$'server' = "imaps://"
		$'path' = "/INBOX/"
		$'criteria' = "NEW"
		$'authentication' = unset
		$'security' = option 'strict'
		$'callback' = lambda => {
			/* here the parameter $'blob' contains the unparsed message as `binary` */

	) || throw "imap request failed"

	walk $'results' as $ => no-op /* from here $ contains the result of the user callback */
consumer ( )

/* Standard Library `network.lib`::`smtp` example
 *  this performs a simple SMTPS request to send an email
 *  note that different versions of security exists for smtp
 *   > implicit security uses the `smtps://` protocol
 *   > explicit security uses the `smtp://` protocol and `STARTTLS` command
 *  by default we fail when the connection cannot be secured, see the example `` for an alternative
 *  when the request fails, the `throw` contains additional information about the cause
routine 'test' on
do {
	switch true => call 'network'::'smtp' with (
			$'server' = "smtps://"
			$'authentication' = unset
			$'security' = option 'strict'
			$'message' = new (
				'from' = create ["Me"] ""
				'recipients' = create ["You"] ""
				'subject' = "example message"
				'attachments' = create (
					'name' = "hello.txt"
					'part' = (
						'mime type' = "text"
						'mime sub type' = "plain"
						'content' = "hello world" => call 'unicode'::'as binary' with ( )
				'body' = (
					'mime type' = "text"
					'mime sub type' = "plain"
					'content' = "hello world" => call 'unicode'::'as binary' with ( )
		| value as $ => /* from here `$` always contains true as `boolean` */ no-op
		| error => throw "smtp request failed"
consumer ( )

/* Standard Library `network.lib`::`webserver` example
 *  this registers a webserver hook for the `/echo` path
 *  the original request is returned as JSON
add-hook 'network'::'webserver' "/echo"
do (
	'status' = 200
	'headers' = create ["content-type"] "application/json"
	'content' = $'request' => serialize as JSON => call 'unicode'::'as binary' with ( )


The plural library provides algorithms operating on sets.

/* Sorts a set based on a comparison function.
define 'sort' as function
	< template plural T , plural T , plural T >
		$'compare': lambda on boolean (
			$'A': T
			$'B': T
	binds: "c57aca6145d1aaa7ceba52e40f8c5ef424dbdea8"

/* Selects a single entry in a set based on a comparison function.
 * This returns the entry for which `compare` results in true when the entry is `A` and false when `B` compared to all other entries in the set.
 * It fails when no such entry is found.
define 'select' as function
	< template plural T , plural T , unsafe T >
		$'compare': lambda on boolean (
			$'A': T
			$'B': T
	binds: "a7d524f804c5084e0d35454d97746e175ad80952"

/* Filters a set.
 * This returns a new set containing only the entries for which `filter` results in true.
define 'filter' as function
	< template plural T , plural T , plural T >
		$'filter': lambda on boolean (
			$'entry': T
	binds: "4e5f8e8b73220087fe0ec9e0d0a7ac84fadb3890"

/* Divide a set in several smaller sets (buckets).
 * The order of the entries is maintained.
define 'split' as function
	< template plural T , plural T , plural [integer] plural T >
		$'bucket size': integer
	binds: "a7a514616a2bacca7c5ff05c3103e322b211f8ae"


Plural Examples

consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'data' as list boolean = {
		create true
		create false
		create true
	let $'value' = $'data' => call 'plural'::'filter' with (
		$'filter' = lambda => $'entry'

	switch $'value'.size => is ( 2 ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'data' as list integer = {
		create 5
		create 2
		create 5
	let $'magic' = 5
	let $'value' = $'data' => call 'plural'::'filter' with (
		$'filter' = lambda => $'entry' => is ( ^ $'magic' )

	switch $'value'.size => is ( 2 ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
	$'Context' =
do {
	let $'object' = ^ $'Context'.'objects' => call 'plural'::'select' with (
		$'compare' = lambda => $'A'.'value' => greater-than ( $'B'.'value' )
	) || throw "no unique object to select"

	switch $'object'.'key' => is ( "two" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
	$'Context' =
do {
	let $'object' = ^ $'Context'.'objects' => call 'plural'::'select' with (
		$'compare' = lambda => $'A'.'value' => greater-than ( $'B'.'value' )
	) || throw "no unique object to select"

	switch $'object'.'key' => is ( "two" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
	$'Context' =
do try {
	let $'object' = ^ $'Context'.'objects' => call 'plural'::'select' with (
		$'compare' = lambda => $'A'.'has value'?'yes'.'value' => greater-than ( $'B'.'has value'?'yes'.'value' ) || throw "comparison data missing"
	) || throw "no selection"

	throw "object selected"
catch as $ => switch $ => is ( "comparison data missing" ) (
	| true => no-op // Test successful
	| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'data' as list integer = {
		create 16
		create 42
		create 39
	let $'value' = $'data' => call 'plural'::'sort' with (
		$'compare' = lambda => $'A' => less-than ( $'B' )

	switch $'value' => join separator: ( "," ) ( => serialize as decimal locale: "en_US" ) => is ( "16,39,42" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'data' as list integer = {
		create 16
		create 42
		create 39
		create 17
		create 43
		create 38
		create 18
		create 44
		create 37
	let $'result' as list {
		'bucket': list integer
	} = walk $'data' => call 'plural'::'split' with ( $'bucket size' = 2 ) as $ => create (
		'bucket' = walk $ as $ => create $

	switch $'result' => serialize as JSON => is ( "[{\"bucket\":[16,42]},{\"bucket\":[39,17]},{\"bucket\":[43,38]},{\"bucket\":[18,44]},{\"bucket\":[37]}]" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"


The unicode library provides functions to manipulate text values.

define 'trim style' as @API choice ( 'leading' 'trailing' 'both' 'none' )
define 'alignment' as @API choice ( 'left' 'right' )

define 'message data' as @API {
	'types': collection union (
		'calendar' integer
		'number' integer
		'text' text

/* Imports text from binary data.
 * Text is converted from the specified encoding to the internal encoding.
 * When the specified encoding is not known, or no know conversion to the internal encoding is known, the function fails.
define 'import' as function
	< binary , unsafe text >
		$'encoding': text
	binds: "5eda0a0995ac59d7760ecfa8fc914ff6be5510f0"

/* Exports text to binary data.
 * Text is converted to the specified encoding from the internal encoding.
 * When the specified encoding is not known, or no know conversion from the internal encoding is known, the function fails.
define 'export' as function
	< text , unsafe binary >
		$'encoding': text
	binds: "95c1f25e3ed8a0ef1cc5f3dbf9a63d825c4fca04"

/* Returns a text value as binary data.
 * The data is encoded in the internal encoding.
define 'as binary' as function
	< text , binary >
	( )
	binds: "87c97c8e13179e8011a433263adba108b053ac5e"

/* Replaces all occurrences of the key of the entries in the dictionary with their value.
define 'escape' as function
	< text , text >
		$'dictionary': collection text
	binds: "56446bd60eff700fd39b2e60d6622984d671a73a"

/* Removes all whitespace from a text value.
define 'strip' as function
	< text , text >
	( )
	binds: "a255c15caaf00b4ef5284e5616c0ea5384cae258"

/* Removes leading and/or trailing whitespace from a text value.
define 'trim' as function
	< text , text >
		$'style': 'trim style'
	binds: "210540a08d6c7f2f7dc7b0f11d87ca0fb57f6bb2"

/* Split a text into multiple fragments.
 * Empty fragments are automatically removed.
define 'split' as function
	< text , list text >
		$'style': 'trim style'
	binds: "f516f2ea99343dd9d1035d588484ba06fd57d580"

/* Adds whitespace to a text value.
define 'pad' as function
	< text , text >
		$'align': 'alignment'
		$'length': integer
	binds: "1085bfb07ec00ef9b01984e3605f257d0dadbd1c"

/* Match a text with a Regular Expression.
 * The whole input must match the pattern.
define 'regex' as function
	< text , unsafe boolean >
		$'pattern': text
	binds: "24ea697a55dedbc6a58b8ca00d80d5cd1bde4a2b"

/* Format a message with dynamic data.
 * Pattern syntax:
 *  message = messageText (argument messageText)*
 *  argument = noneArg | simpleArg | complexArg
 *  complexArg = choiceArg | pluralArg | selectArg | selectordinalArg
 *  noneArg = '{' argNameOrNumber '}'
 *  simpleArg = '{' argNameOrNumber ',' argType [',' argStyle] '}'
 *  choiceArg = '{' argNameOrNumber ',' "choice" ',' choiceStyle '}'
 *  pluralArg = '{' argNameOrNumber ',' "plural" ',' pluralStyle '}'
 *  selectArg = '{' argNameOrNumber ',' "select" ',' selectStyle '}'
 *  selectordinalArg = '{' argNameOrNumber ',' "selectordinal" ',' pluralStyle '}'
 *  choiceStyle: see ChoiceFormat
 *  pluralStyle: see PluralFormat
 *  selectStyle: see SelectFormat
 *  argNameOrNumber = argName | argNumber
 *  argName = [^[[:Pattern_Syntax:][:Pattern_White_Space:]]]+
 *  argNumber = '0' | ('1'..'9' ('0'..'9')*)
 *  argType = "number" | "date" | "time" | "spellout" | "ordinal" | "duration"
 *  argStyle = "short" | "medium" | "long" | "full" | "integer" | "currency" | "percent" | argStyleText | "::" argSkeletonText
 * For more information see:
define 'format' as function
	< text , unsafe text >
		$'data': 'message data'
		$'locale': text
	binds: "00e5893ff46bce3d3278091734b1ca786f41fe83"


Unicode Examples

consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do switch "ç" => is ( "ç" ) (
	| true => no-op // Test successful
	| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do switch "Ç" => is case folding ( "ç" ) (
	| true => no-op // Test successful
	| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	/* test vectors for format function */
	let $'vectors' = list (
		file ( token = "{nr,spellout}" extension = "vier­duizend­twee­honderd" ) ,
		file ( token = "{nr,number,currency}" extension = "€ 4.200,00" ) ,
		file ( token = "{nr,number}" extension = "4.200" ) ,
		file ( token = "{nr}" extension = "4.200" ) ,
		file ( token = "{tx}" extension = "hello" ) ,
		file ( token = "{dt,date}" extension = "3 feb. 2021" )
	let $'data' as 'unicode'/'message data' = (
		'types' = {
			create ["dt"] create 'calendar' 212479064430
			create ["nr"] create 'number' 4200
			create ["tx"] create 'text' "hello"

	/* test each vector */
	walk $'vectors' as $ => {
		let $'pattern' = $
		let $'message' = $'pattern'.token => call 'unicode'::'format' with (
			$'data' = ^ $'data'
			$'locale' = "nl_NL"
		) || throw "error"

		switch $'message' => is ( $'pattern'.extension ) (
			| true => no-op // Vector tested successful
			| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	/* test vectors for trim function */
	let $'vectors' as list {
		'input': text
		'result': text
		'align': 'unicode'/'alignment'
		'length': integer
	} = {
		create (
			'input' = "hello"
			'result' = "hello     "
			'align' = option 'left'
			'length' = 10
		create (
			'input' = "hello"
			'result' = "     hello"
			'align' = option 'right'
			'length' = 10
		create (
			'input' = "hello"
			'result' = "hello"
			'align' = option 'left'
			'length' = 2
		create (
			'input' = "à"
			'result' = "à "
			'align' = option 'left'
			'length' = 2

	/* test each vector */
	walk $'vectors' as $ => {
		let $'test' = $ .'input' => call 'unicode'::'pad' with (
			$'align' = $ .'align'
			$'length' = $ .'length'

		switch $'test' => is ( $ .'result' ) (
			| true => no-op // Vector tested successful
			| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'match' = "abcde" => call 'unicode'::'regex' with ( $'pattern' = "[a-z]+" ) || throw "invalid pattern"

	switch $'match' (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'match' = "abCde" => call 'unicode'::'regex' with ( $'pattern' = "[a-z]+" ) || throw "invalid pattern"

	switch $'match' (
		| true => throw "produced wrong value"
		| false => no-op // Test successful
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do try {
	let $'match' = "abcde" => call 'unicode'::'regex' with ( $'pattern' = "[a-z+" ) || throw "invalid pattern"

	throw "valid pattern"
	/* suppress unused warnings */
	switch $'match' (
		| true => no-op
		| false => no-op
catch as $ => switch $ => is ( "invalid pattern" ) (
	| true => no-op // Vector tested successful
	| false => throw "produced wrong value"
provider (
	'lines' = {
		let $'lines' = "line-0

line-2" => call 'unicode'::'split' with ( $'style' = option 'both' )

		walk $'lines' as $ => create (
			'line' = $
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	/* test vectors for trim function */
	let $'vectors' = list (
		"line",     // nothing to trim
		"   line",  // leading spaces
		"line   ",  // trailing spaces
		" l i n e ",  // internal spaces
		" l i n e "  // no-ASCII space

	/* test each vector */
	walk $'vectors' as $ => {
		let $'line' = $
		let $'trim' = $'line' => call 'unicode'::'strip' with ( )

		switch $'trim' => is ( "line" ) (
			| true => no-op // Vector tested successful
			| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	/* test vectors for trim function */
	let $'vectors' = list (
		"line",     // nothing to trim
		"   line",  // leading spaces
		"line   ",  // trailing spaces
		"	line",  // tabs
		" line"    // no-ASCII space

	/* test each vector */
	walk $'vectors' as $ => {
		let $'line' = $
		let $'trim' = $'line' => call 'unicode'::'trim' with ( $'style' = option 'both' )

		switch $'trim' => is ( "line" ) (
			| true => no-op // Vector tested successful
			| false => throw "produced wrong value"


The data library provides functions to manipulate binary values.

define 'base64 alphabet' as @API choice ( 'base64' 'base64url' )

/* Converts text from one encoding to another.
 * Available encodings depend on the hosting systems.
define 'convert' as function
	< binary , unsafe binary >
		$'from': text
		$'to': text
	binds: "10fb20740f273873cd35121d33fd980e9c68f242"

/* Convert binary data to base64 text.
 * Alphabet as defined by RFC-4648.
define 'base64 encode' as function
	< binary , text >
		$'alphabet': 'base64 alphabet'
	binds: "b9bfaa1b0da22d82ef967d8f4cc501d102367703"

/* Convert base64 text to binary data.
 * Alphabet as defined by RFC-4648.
define 'base64 decode' as function
	< text , unsafe binary >
		$'alphabet': 'base64 alphabet'
	binds: "1a2fd70ec93a50c8cdb576ca0d3955e9967e90ae"

/* Loads an archive from data.
 * Archive format and any compression/encoding are automatically detected.
define 'load archive' as function
	< binary , unsafe collection binary >
	( )
	binds: "b0dcc6d89228fd4a40e45d3b05c413eb88a0c56c"



The internal library.

Allows defining reusable types.

'library': dictionary { [ define ]
	'type': [ as ] stategroup (
		'schema' {
			/* Define a schema type.
			 * Optionally the `@API` option can be used to suppress usages analysis.
			'analysis': stategroup (
				'API' { [ @API ] }
				'full' { }
			'type': component 'schema complex type'
		'pattern' { [ pattern ]
			/* Define a pattern.
			 * Optionally the `@API` option can be used to suppress usages analysis.
			'analysis': stategroup (
				'API' { [ @API ] }
				'full' { }
			'rule': component 'pattern rule'
		'function' { [ function ]
			/* Define a function.
			'signature': component 'signature'
			'type': stategroup (
				'statement' {
					'statement': [ => ] component 'statement'
				'binding' {
					/* The function is part of a standard library.
					 * These functions are implemented by the connector runtime.
					'binds': [ binds: ] text

The type of the connector.

This is chosen externally, the archetype here must follow the external choice.

'archetype': stategroup (
	'scheduled provider' { [ provider ]
		/* The connector is an Alan Interface Provider.
		 * As a provider, the connector runs the main routine based on an external schedule.
		 * Optionally, command handlers can be provided.
		/* Main routine.
		 * Each run of the main routine must create a snapshot of the current state.
		 * As a result the current state must always be a complete dataset and not an update to a previous dataset.
		'main routine': component 'statement'
		/* Dataset initialization.
		 * Before a provider can process command and generate events, a dataset is required.
		 * When available, the last result of the main routine is used as dataset.
		 * Otherwise the initialization is used to determine the initial dataset.
		'initialization': stategroup (
			'custom' { [ init ]
				/* Use a custom routine to generate the initial dataset.
				 * This can be used to prevent additional runs of the main routine when this would exceed rate limits/query quotas.
				'routine': component 'statement'
			'main' { [ init main ]
				/* Use the main routine to generate the initial dataset.
				 * This run of the main routine is in addition to runs caused by the external schedule.
			'none' {
				/* Do not generate an initial dataset.
				 * Received commands are ignored until the main routine is triggered.
		/* Command routines.
		 * These routines are run when the corresponding command is received.
		 * Commands can have multiple handlers. When the command is received, all handlers are executed in an undefined order.
		 * Received commands for which no handlers exist are ignored.
		'routines': dictionary { [ routine ]
			'has next': stategroup = node-switch successor (
				| node = 'yes' { 'next' = successor }
				| none = 'no'
			/* The command the routine binds to.
			 * The command data is available in `$`.
			'command': [ on command ] reference
			/* The path to the node the command is defined at.
			 * The path becomes the initial scope of the routine.
			'named type': component 'interface named path'
			'type': stategroup (
				'execute' {
					/* Execute a statement.
					 * From this context Alan Interface events can be executed.
					'statement': [ do ] component 'statement'
				'schedule' { [ schedule ]
					/* Schedule a run of the main routine immediately after the command.
					 * The main routine is run, and consumers are updated, regardless of the external schedule.
					 * This run of the main routine is in addition to runs caused by the external schedule.
					 * These additional runs are scheduled regardless of the current dataset state.
		/* The hooks.
		 * See `Library Hooks` for more information.
		'hooks': set {
			'hook': component 'library hook'
	'consumer' { [ consumer ]
		/* The connector is an Alan Interface Consumer.
		 * As a consumer, the connector runs routines based on the nodes touched by updates or received events.
		/* The context keys on which to subscribe.
		 * The statement is restricted, see 'statement' for details.
		'context keys': component 'statement'
		/* The routines.
		 * Each routine is bound to something in the interface.
		 * The routine is triggered based on the interface binding.
		'routines': dictionary { [ routine ]
			'has next': stategroup = node-switch successor (
				| node = 'yes' { 'next' = successor }
				| none = 'no'
			'binding': [ on ] stategroup (
				'event' {
					/* The routine binds to an event.
					 * When the event is received, the routine is run.
					 * The event data is available in `$`.
					'event': [ event ] reference
				'collection' {
					/* The routine binds to an collection.
					 * When any entries in the collection are touched by an update, the routine is run.
					 * The set of touched entries (and only the touched entries) are available in `$`.
					 * The routine is only run after the update is fully processed.
					 * As a result, the routine always has a fully initialized dataset available, but is not informed which data was updated.
					'property': [ collection ] reference
				'entry deletion' {
					/* The routine binds to a collection.
					 * When an entry in the collection is deleted, the routine is run.
					 * The key of the delete entry is available in `$`.
					 * The routine is only run after the update is fully processed.
					 * As a result, the routine always has a fully initialized dataset available, but is not informed which data was updated.
					'property': [ collection, deletion ] reference
				'node' {
					/* The routine binds to a node.
					 * When the node is touched by an update, the routine is run.
					 * The routine is only run after the update is fully processed.
					 * As a result, the routine always has a fully initialized dataset available, but is not informed which data was updated.
			/* The path to the node the routine binds to or the event is defined at.
			 * The path becomes the initial scope of the routine.
			'named type': component 'interface named path'
			/* From this context Alan Interface events can be executed.
			'statement': [ do ] component 'statement'
		/* The hooks.
		 * See `Library Hooks` for more information.
		'hooks': set {
			'hook': component 'library hook'
	'library' { [ library ]
		/* The connector is a library.
		 * Currently only standard libraries are supported.
		/* A standard library can expose hooks.
		 * Each hook is triggered by external events.
		'hooks': dictionary { [ hook ]
			'signature': component 'signature'
			'binds': [ binds: ] text

Internal error handler.

Allows specifying an error handler routine. Example:

consumer ( )

/* error-handler example
 *  this logs the error report
on error do @log: $
'error handler': stategroup (
	'yes' {
		/* The routine to execute for uncaught errors.
		 * When a notification/command/event triggers multiple routines, the error reports from these are bundled and the handler is executed only once for the bundle.
		 * The statement is restricted, see 'statement' for details.
		'statement': [ on error do ] component 'statement'
	'no' { }
'library selector' {
	/* Select a type from a standard or the internal library.
	'library': stategroup (
		'dependency' {
			'dependency': [, / ] reference
		'self' { }
	'type': reference

Library Hook

The standard library defines hooks. When or how these hooks are triggered is defined by the individual hooks. Providers and consumers can add lambdas to these hooks. These lambdas are executed when the hook is triggered. Some hooks only trigger a subset of the added lambdas, based on the handler name.

Lambdas added to hooks can execute side-effects based on there context. Providers can execute events. Consumers can execute commands.


consumer ( )

/* Standard Library `network.lib`::`webserver` example
 *  this registers a webserver hook for the `/echo` path
 *  the original request is returned as JSON
add-hook 'network'::'webserver' "/echo"
do (
	'status' = 200
	'headers' = create ["content-type"] "application/json"
	'content' = $'request' => serialize as JSON => call 'unicode'::'as binary' with ( )
'library hook' {
	/* The standard library and hook to add the lambda to.
	'library': [ add-hook ] reference
	'hook': [ :: ] reference
	/* The handler name.
	 * Usages of this value is defined by the individual hooks.
	'name': text
	/* The implementation to run when the hook is triggered.
	 * The root node of the interface data is available in `$`.
	 * The arguments for the library hook defined parameters become the initial scope.
	'instance': component 'callable instance'
	'implementation': [ do ] component 'lambda implementation'
'interface type path' {
	'has step': stategroup (
		'yes' {
			'property': [ . ] reference
			'type': stategroup (
				'collection' { [ [] ] }
				'choice' {
					'state': [ ? ] reference
				'node' { }
			'tail': component 'interface type path'
		'no' { }

Interface Named Path

As the connector does not allow stepping from a child node to the parent, the path is segmented. Each segment has a name and specifies a part of the path. This name is then assigned that node. This allows a routine to access its parents by explicitly naming them.

'interface named path' {
	'segments': dictionary { [ $ ]
		'has previous': stategroup = node-switch predecessor (
			| node = 'yes' { 'previous' = predecessor }
			| none = 'no'
		'has next': stategroup = node-switch successor (
			| node = 'yes' { 'next' = successor }
			| none = 'no'
		'steps': [ = ] component 'interface type path'
	'has segment': stategroup = node-switch .'segments' (
		| nodes = 'yes' {
			'first' = first
			'last' = last
		| none  = 'no'
'comparator' {
	'type': stategroup (
		'case folding' { [ case folding ]
			/* The case-folding comparator operates only on texts.
			 * It supports equality and relational comparisons.
		'simple' {
			/* The simple comparator behaves depending on the it operates on.
			 *  > boolean: supports only equality comparisons
			 *  > integer: supports equality and relational comparisons
			 *  > text   : supports only equality comparisons, 2 texts are considered equal when they are bitwise identical
			 *  > file   : supports only equality comparisons, 2 files are considered equal when both text values are identical
'schema scalar type' {
	'type': stategroup (
		'boolean' { [ boolean ]
			/* A boolean type can hold the value `true` or `false`.
		'integer' { [ integer ]
			/* An integer can hold numbers.
			 * Integers can not have a fraction.
			'limits': stategroup (
				'yes' { [ @limit: {, } ]
					/* Limit the value range.
					 * All limits are inclusive.
					'lower': stategroup (
						'yes' {
							/* Limit the minimum value.
							 * The value is evaluated before the decimal import rule.
							'value': integer
						'no' { }
					'upper': [ , ] stategroup (
						'yes' {
							/* Limit the maximum value.
							 * The value is evaluated before the decimal import rule.
							'value': integer
						'no' { }
				'no' { }
			'rule': component 'decimal import rule'
		'binary' { [ binary ]
			/* A data can hold any type of binary data.
		'text' { [ text ]
			/* A text can hold Unicode data.
			'limits': stategroup (
				'yes' { [ @limit: {, } ]
					/* Limit the text length.
					 * All limits are inclusive.
					'lower': stategroup (
						'yes' {
							/* Limit the minimum length of the value.
							 * The length is measured in code-points.
							'length': integer
						'no' { }
					'upper': [ , ] stategroup (
						'yes' {
							/* Limit the maximum length of the value.
							 * The length is measured in code-points.
							'length': integer
						'no' { }
				'no' { }
		'choice' { [ choice ]
			/* A choice can hold a single value from a user defined set of values.
			 * A choice has a base type, this type only effects parsing and serialization.
			 * So a choice with an integer base type cannot be compared to an actual integer.
			'options': [ (, ) ] dictionary {
				'has next': stategroup = node-switch successor (
					| node = 'yes' { 'next' = successor }
					| none = 'no'
				'base type': stategroup (
					'integer' {
						'value': [ : ] integer
					'text' { }
'schema complex type' {
	'type': stategroup (
		'library' {
			/* Library type.
			 * This is not an actual type.
			 * The type of this data is the referred type.
			'selector': component 'library selector'
		'union' { [ union ]
			/* Union type.
			 * The type of this data is conditional.
			 * Parsing is not able to determine the type, it must be explicitly give a type through a separate decorate step.
			 * Serialization does not include the type information and omits the value when the type was not yet determined.
			'types': [ (, ) ] dictionary {
				'has next': stategroup = node-switch successor (
					| node = 'yes' { 'next' = successor }
					| none = 'no'
				'type': component 'schema complex type'
		'node' {
			/* Node type.
			 * Parsing and serialization expects the type information (property names) to be present in the data.
			'node': component 'schema node type'
		'headless' { [ headless ]
			/* Node type.
			 * Unlike the normal node type, this expects the data to be ordered and uses the property order during parsing and serialization.
			'node': component 'schema node type'
		'collection' { [ collection ]
			/* Set type.
			 * This holds a dynamic amount of data, or no data at all (empty set).
			 * Every entry in the set is an `entity` with an implicit key and a value of `type`.
			 * A comparator is used for matching the implicit keys.
			'comparator': component 'comparator'
			'type': component 'schema complex type'
		'list' { [ list ]
			/* Set type.
			 * This holds a dynamic amount of data, or no data at all (empty set).
			 * Every entry in the set is of `type`.
			 * Entries in a list have no unique identification.
			'type': component 'schema complex type'
		'table' { [ table ]
			/* Special set type.
			 * A table behaves as if it was a list of headless nodes, except for a special parsing/serialization specialization.
			 * The table expects the very first row in serialized from to be the header.
			 * This header must match all properties in the node, but can do so in any order.
			 * Unlike the headless node, where the property order is defined by the schema, the parsing/serialization order of all properties is defined by this header row.
			'node': component 'schema node type'
		'scalar' {
			'type': component 'schema scalar type'
'schema node type' {
	/* A node is a container containing a static set of named values, the properties.
	 * When the document type supports it, each property itself can have a set of attributes.
	 * These attributes can either be a text (to be retrieved and processed later) or a filter (to reduce the possible matches in serialized form).
	 * A property can be marked as optional, an optional property may be omitted or have a special no value construct in serialized form.
	 * A property can be marked as protected, an protected property's data is always excluded from data dumps.
	 * This is to prevent the connector leaking sensitive data.
	 * NOTE: Using @protected is no guarantee the relevant data is never included.
	 *       When the sensitive that is also present in unprotected data, it will still be readable in that data.
	'properties': [ {, } ] dictionary {
		'has next': stategroup = node-switch successor (
			| node = 'yes' { 'next' = successor }
			| none = 'no'
		'has attributes': stategroup (
			'yes' { [ <, > ]
				'attributes': dictionary {
					'has next': stategroup = node-switch successor (
						| node = 'yes' { 'next' = successor }
						| none = 'no'
					'type': [ : ] component 'schema scalar type'
				'filters': dictionary { [ where ]
					'has next': stategroup = node-switch successor (
						| node = 'yes' { 'next' = successor }
						| none = 'no'
					'value': [ is ] component 'value promise'
			'no' { }
		'protect': [ : ] stategroup (
			'yes' { [ @protected ] }
			'no' { }
		'is optional': stategroup (
			'yes' { [ optional ] }
			'no' { }
		'type': component 'schema complex type'
'stack block' {
	/* A stack block is a group of `let` expressions.
	 * With `let` expressions it is possible to store a value in a name.
	 * This value can be retrieved at a later point.
	 * A `let` expression is not a variable.
	 * Unlike a variable, a `let` expression is always given a value when it is declared.
	 * It also can never be assigned a different value at a later point.
	'values': dictionary { [ let $ ]
		'has previous': stategroup = node-switch predecessor (
			| node = 'yes' { 'previous' = predecessor }
			| none = 'no'
		'has next': stategroup = node-switch successor (
			| node = 'yes' { 'next' = successor }
			| none = 'no'
		'type': stategroup (
			'inferred' {
				/* Source driven `let`.
				 * The result of the promise is assigned to the name.
				 * The type of this `let` is inferred from the promise.
				'value': [ = ] component 'value promise'
			'schema' {
				/* Target driven `let`.
				 * The type of this `let` is the type of the schema.
				 * This executes the statement with the schema as target.
				'schema': [ as ] component 'schema complex type'
				'statement': [ = ] component 'statement'
			'lambda' {
				/* Lambda `let`.
				 * The type of this `let` is a callable object.
				'lambda': [ = ] component 'lambda definition'
'stack selector' {
	/* Navigate the stack.
	 * Each frame on the stack is created by a scope.
	'stack': stategroup (
		'non-empty' {
			'select': stategroup (
				'this frame' {
					/* Select a value in the selected frame.
					'value': [ $ ] reference
				'parent frame' {
					/* Select a value in the parent frame.
					'tail': [ ^ ] component 'stack selector'
'target type path step' {
	'has step': stategroup (
		'yes' {
			'type': stategroup (
				'collection' { [ * ] }
				'choice' {
					'state': [ ? ] reference
				'node' {
					'property': [ . ] reference
				'command' {
					'command': [ command ] reference
				'event' {
					'event': [ event ] reference
			'tail': component 'target type path step'
		'no' { }
'target type path' {
	'type': stategroup (
		'none' { [ none ] }
		'absolute' {
			'root': stategroup (
				'interface' { [ interface ] }
				'schema' {
					'selector': component 'library selector'
				'boolean' { [ boolean ] }
				'integer' { [ integer ] }
				'text' { [ text ] }
			'steps': component 'target type path step'
		'relative' {
			'steps': component 'target type path step'
'type path step' {
	'has step': stategroup (
		'yes' {
			'type': stategroup (
				'collection' { [ * ] }
				'choice' {
					'state': [ ? ] reference
				'node' {
					'property': [ . ] reference
				'command' {
					'command': [ command ] reference
				'event' {
					'event': [ event ] reference
			'tail': component 'type path step'
		'no' { }
'type path' {
	'root': stategroup (
		'interface' { [ interface ] }
		'schema' {
			'schema': component 'schema complex type'
		'context' { [ context ] }
	'steps': component 'type path step'
'type definition' {
	'type': stategroup (
		'file' { [ file ] }
		'optional' { [ optional ]
			'sub type': component 'type definition'
		'plural' { [ plural ]
			'index': stategroup (
				'integer' { [ [integer] ] }
				'text' { [ [text] ] }
				'inferred' { }
			'sub type': component 'type definition'
		'lambda' {
			'signature': [ lambda ] component 'signature'
		'type' {
			'path': component 'type path'
		'template' { [ T ] }
'signature parameters' {
	/* Parameter definition of a callable object.
	'parameters': [ (, ) ] dictionary { [ $ ]
		'has next': stategroup = node-switch successor (
			| node = 'yes' { 'next' = successor }
			| none = 'no'
		'type': [ : ] component 'type definition'
'signature promise' {
	/* The signature of a callable object.
	 * This represents a callable object that must be called in a promise chain context.
	'template': [ < ] stategroup (
		'yes' {
			'requirement': [ template, T , ] stategroup (
				'plural' { [ plural ] }
				'optional' { [ optional ] }
				'none' { }
		'no' { }
	/* The type of the input.
	 * When written inline, the input type can be inferred (implicit).
	'context': stategroup (
		'explicit' {
			'context': component 'type definition'
		'implicit' { }
	/* The promise guarantee of the callable object.
	'guarantee': [ , ] stategroup (
		'yes' { }
		'no' { [ unsafe ] }
	/* The type of the output.
	'result': [, > ] component 'type definition'
	/* The parameter definition.
	'parameters': component 'signature parameters'
'signature statement' {
	/* The signature of a callable object.
	 * This represents a callable object that must be called as a statement.
	/* The target the callable object must be called on.
	 * When written inline, the target can be inferred.
	'target': stategroup (
		'explicit' {
			'path': [ on ] component 'target type path'
		'inferred' { }
	/* The parameter definition.
	'parameters': component 'signature parameters'
'signature' {
	/* The signature of a callable object.
	'type': stategroup (
		'promise' {
			'signature': component 'signature promise'
		'statement' {
			'signature': component 'signature statement'
'callable instance' {
	'template': stategroup (
		'yes' { [ <, > ]
			'type': component 'type definition'
		'no' { }
'lambda implementation' {
	/* The implementation of a lambda.
	 * Currently lambdas can only be statements.
	'type': stategroup (
		'statement' {
			'statement': component 'statement'
'lambda argument' {
	'type': stategroup (
		'optional' {
			/* Set an optional parameter.
			 * Lambda arguments must always explicitly set or unset.
			'action': stategroup (
				'set' { [ set ]
					'argument': component 'lambda argument'
				'unset' { [ unset ] }
		'signature' { [ lambda => ]
			/* Set the implementation of a lambda.
			 * The signature of the lambda is taken from the parameter.
			'lambda': component 'lambda implementation'
		'choice' {
			/* Set a choice.
			 * The available values of the choice are taken from the parameter.
			'option': [ option ] reference
		'node' {
			/* Set a node.
			 * This allows the creation of new data inline instead of retrieving stored data.
			'statement': [ new ] component 'statement'
		'value' {
			/* Set the value.
			'value': component 'value promise'
'lambda arguments' {
	/* The arguments for a callable object.
	 * This creates a new scoped bound to the signature parameters.
	 * The created scope will be the initial scope of the callable object when called.
	'values': [ (, ) ] dictionary { [ $ ]
		'argument': [ = ] component 'lambda argument'
'lambda definition' {
	/* Defines a new lambda.
	'signature': [ lambda ] component 'signature'
	'instance': component 'callable instance'
	'lambda': [ => ] component 'lambda implementation'
'root selector' {
	'type': stategroup (
		'library' {
			'library': reference
			'tail': [ :: ] component 'root selector'
		'this' { }
'callable selector' {
	'type': stategroup (
		'function' {
			/* Select a function.
			'context': component 'root selector'
			'function': reference
			'instance': component 'callable instance'
		'recurs' { [ self ]
			/* Select self.
			 * This represents the currently executing lambda.
			 * Only available in a lambda implementation.
		'new' {
			/* Create and select a new lambda.
			 * This lambda is anonymous.
			'lambda': component 'lambda definition'
		'stored' {
			/* Retrieve a stored lambda.
			'value': component 'value promise'
'decimal import rule' {
	/* Enable/Disable decimal point translation.
	 * Decimal point translation is only every applied during parsing and serialization.
	 * The translation is provided from the parsing point of view, during serialization the inverse is applied.
	'decimal point translation': stategroup (
		'yes' {
			'places': [ << (, ) ] component 'value promise'
		'no' { }
'date expression' {
	'year': component 'promise chain'
	'style': stategroup (
		'calendar' {
			'month': [ - ] component 'promise chain'
			'day': [ - ] component 'promise chain'
		'week' { [ W ]
			'week': component 'promise chain'
			'day of week': stategroup (
				'monday' { [ Monday ] }
				'tuesday' { [ Tuesday ] }
				'wednesday' { [ Wednesday ] }
				'thursday' { [ Thursday ] }
				'friday' { [ Friday ] }
				'saturday' { [ Saturday ] }
				'sunday' { [ Sunday ] }
		'ordinal' {
			'day': [ , ] component 'promise chain'
'time expression' {
	'hour': component 'promise chain'
	'minute': [ : ] component 'promise chain'
	'second': [ : ] component 'promise chain'
'pattern rule piece' {
	'type': stategroup (
		'pattern' {
			'capture': stategroup (
				'yes' { [ $ ] }
				'no' { }
			'type': stategroup (
				'integer' { [ integer ] }
				'decimal' { [ decimal ]
					'locale': [ locale: ] text
					'rule': component 'decimal import rule'
				'text' { [ text ] }
			'match style': stategroup (
				'lazy' { }
				'greedy' { [ * ] }
			'repeat': stategroup (
				'yes' { [ {, } ]
					'lower': stategroup (
						'yes' {
							'min': integer
						'no' { }
					'upper': [ , ] stategroup (
						'yes' {
							'max': integer
						'no' { }
				'no' { }
		'static' {
			'text': text
	'has tail': stategroup (
		'yes' {
			'tail': component 'pattern rule piece'
		'no' { }
'pattern rule' { [ (, ) ]
	/* Describes a custom pattern.
	 * A pattern is an ordered set of named parts, with each part an ordered set of pieces.
	 * Each part must capture a single piece. Only dynamic patterns can be captured.
	 * A pattern must contains at least a single part.
	'parts': dictionary {
		'has next': [ : ] stategroup = node-switch successor (
			| node = 'yes' { 'next' = successor }
			| none = 'no'
		'pieces': component 'pattern rule piece'
	'head': reference = first
'promise path' {
	'step': stategroup (
		'optional value' { [ get ]
			/* Retrieve the value of an optional value.
			 * This fails when the optional value is not set.
		'entry lookup' {
			/* Retrieve the value of an entry in a collection.
			 * This fails when the provided key does not exist in the set.
			'key': [ [, ] ] component 'promise'
		'file fetch' {
			/* Retrieve a property from a file.
			'field': stategroup (
				'token' { [ .token ] }
				'extension' { [ .extension ] }
		'node fetch' {
			/* Retrieve a property of a node.
			 * Optionally an attribute from the property can be retrieved.
			'property': [ . ] reference
			'sub property': stategroup (
				'yes' {
					'attribute': [ <, > ] reference
				'no' { }
		'interface choice' {
			/* Retrieve the value of a specific state.
			 * This fails when the choice is set to another state.
			'state': [ ? ] reference
		'plural size' { [ .size ]
			/* Retrieve the size of a set.
'promise chain' {
	'has step': stategroup (
		'yes' {
			'step': stategroup (
				'path' {
					'step': component 'promise path'
				'complex' { [ => ]
					'type': stategroup (
						'parse' {
							'as': [ parse as ] stategroup (
								'JSON' { [ JSON ]
									/* Parses JSON.
									 * On success it results in a document and must first be passed to a decorator before it is usable.
								'XML' { [ XML ]
									/* Parses a XML document.
									 * On success it results in a document and must first be passed to a decorator before it is usable.
								'CSV' { [ CSV ]
									/* Parses a CSV document.
									 * The CSV parser conforms to RFC 4180.
									 * Optionally the cell separator can be changed.
									 * On success it results in a document and must first be passed to a decorator before it is usable.
									'separator': stategroup (
										'custom' { [ separator: ]
											'value': [ (, ) ] component 'promise'
										'default' { }
								'ISO Date Time' { [ ISODateTime ]
									/* Parses an ISO-8601 date and time, however it must have at least Seconds accuracy. (source:
									 * Combines an ISODate and ISOTime separated with T, but the Date and Time components must both be in the same format.
									 *  Calendar dates + Time: YYYYMMDDThhmmss[.sss] or YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.sss]
									 *  Week dates + Time: YYYYWwwDThhmmss[.sss] or YYYY-Www-DThh:mm:ss[.sss]
									 *  Ordinal dates + Time: YYYYDDDThhmmss[.sss] or YYYY-DDDThh:mm:ss[.sss]
									 * In all cases the Time component may contain a Time Zone, when omitted local time is assumed.
									 * On success it results in an Alan DateTime.
								'ISO Date' { [ ISODate ]
									/* Parses an ISO-8601 date, however it must have Day accuracy. (source:
									 *  Calendar dates: YYYYMMDD or YYYY-MM-DD
									 *  Week dates: YYYYWwwD or YYYY-Www-D
									 *  Ordinal dates: YYYYDDD or YYYY-DDD
									 * On success it results in an Alan Date.
								'ISO Time' { [ ISOTime ]
									/* Parses an ISO-8601 time, however it must have at least Seconds accuracy. (source:
									 *  Time: hhmmss[.sss] or hh:mm:ss[.sss]
									 *   The fraction separated by a decimal point is allowed but discarded.
									 *  Time Zone: Z or ±hh or ±hhmm or ±hh:mm
									 *   The timezone is allowed but discarded.
									 * On success it results in the amount of seconds since midnight.
								'integer' { [ integer ]
									/* Parses an integer value in base-10.
									 *  Integer: [-]d
									 *   Any number of digits can be provided, but the supported range is limited by the implementation.
									 *   An optional minus sign is allowed before the first digit to set the sign.
								'decimal' { [ decimal ]
									/* Parses a decimal value according to a specific locale.
									 *  The format is locale dependent.
									'locale': [ locale: ] text
									'rule': component 'decimal import rule'
								'pattern' { [ pattern ]
									/* Parses a custom pattern.
									 * On success it results in a node with all properties set to their respective captured value.
									'pattern': stategroup (
										'library' {
											'selector': component 'library selector'
										'inline' {
											'rule': component 'pattern rule'
						'serialize' {
							'as': [ serialize as ] stategroup (
								'JSON' { [ JSON ] }
								'XML' { [ XML ] }
								'ISO Date Time' { [ ISODateTime ] }
								'ISO Date' { [ ISODate ] }
								'ISO Time' { [ ISOTime ] }
								'integer' { [ integer ] }
								'decimal' { [ decimal ]
									'locale': [ locale: ] text
									'rule': component 'decimal import rule'
						'decorate' {
							'type': [ decorate as ] stategroup (
								'source' {
									/* Decorate parsed data according to a schema.
									'schema': component 'schema complex type'
								'union' {
									/* Decorate a union type.
									 * When the type is already know, this works as a type cast.
									'type': [ union ] reference
						'make' { [ make ]
							'type': stategroup (
								'date' { [ date (, ) ]
									/* Creates an Alan Date for individual components. */
									'date': component 'date expression'
								'date time' { [ date-time (, ) ]
									/* Creates an Alan DateTime for individual components. */
									'date': component 'date expression'
									'time': [ T ] component 'time expression'
								'time' { [ time (, ) ]
									/* Creates a time in seconds for individual components. */
									'time': component 'time expression'
						'compare' {
							/* Compares the current value with another value.
							 * Both values must be of the same type and support the comparison.
							'type': stategroup (
								'equality' { [ is ] }
								'relational' {
									'operator': stategroup (
										'smaller' { [ less-than ] }
										'smaller equal' { [ less-than or is ] }
										'greater' { [ greater-than ] }
										'greater equal' { [ greater-than or is ] }
							'comparator': component 'comparator'
							'other': [ (, ) ] component 'promise'
						'reduce' {
							/* Merge a set of values.
							 * The `for each` sub-chain is run for each value in the input set, the result must match the type required by the operator.
							'merge type': stategroup (
								'shared' { [ shared ]
									/* Reduces a set of values to a single shared value.
									 * Shared values are detected with an equality check.
									 * It succeeds only when all values pass an equality check and the set contains at least one value.
									'comparator': component 'comparator'
								'unique' { [ unique ]
									/* Removes all duplicate values from a set of values.
									 * Duplicates are detected with an equality check.
									 * The order of the set is maintained, duplicates are placed at the first occurrence.
									'comparator': component 'comparator'
								'sum' { [ sum ]
									/* Calculates the sum of a set of integers.
									 * It results in the sum of all values, or the additive identity when the set is empty.
								'product' { [ product ]
									/* Calculates the product of a set of integers.
									 * It results in the produce of all values, or the multiplicative identity when the set is empty.
								'join' { [ join ]
									/* Concatenates a set of texts.
									 * Optionally a separator can be added between each element.
									 * The entries are joined in the order of the set.
									'separator': stategroup (
										'yes' { [ separator: ]
											'value': [ (, ) ] component 'promise'
										'no' { }
								'logical and' { [ and ]
									/* Calculates the logical and of a set of booleans.
									 * It fails when the set is empty.
								'logical or' { [ or ]
									/* Calculates the logical or of a set of booleans.
									 * It fails when the set is empty.
							'for each': [ (, ) ] component 'promise chain'
						'partition' { [ partition ]
							/* Partition a set.
							 * It groups all entries with the `key` together in a bucket.
							 * The result is a set of key-value pairs, where the key is the shared `key` and the value is a set of the entries with that `key`.
							 * The order of buckets is undefined.
							 * The order of entries within a bucket is maintained.
							'comparator': [ on ] component 'comparator'
							'on': stategroup (
								'value' {
									'key': [ (, ) ] component 'promise chain'
								'key' { [ key ] }
				'call' { [ => ]
					/* Call a standard library function or lambda. */
					'selection': [ call ] component 'callable selector'
					'arguments': [ with ] component 'lambda arguments'
			'tail': component 'promise chain'
		'no' { }


A promise consists of a head, an instruction producing a value without any input, and a chain. The chain of a promise is a set of ordered instructions which each take the output of the previous instruction as their input. Each instruction in the chain, as well as the head, has a promise guarantee. When this guarantee is yes, the instruction will always succeed regardless of the input. Likewise, when this guarantee is no, the instruction may fail at runtime when the input does not meet the instruction’s requirements. The individual instructions are separated with =>. Instructions with sub-promises, wrap the sub-promise in parenthesis ( ... ). These sub-promises propagate their guarantee to the parent promise, allow the handling of possible runtime failures at the top-level promise. Although they can handle the failures on their own. Just like sub-promises, instructions in a chain pass their guarantee to the next instruction. At the end of a chain, when the guarantee is no, an alternative must be provided. An alternative is indicated with ||. It provides an alternative promise to obtain a value when the previous promise fails at runtime. When the end of the alternative promise chain the guarantee is again no, an other alternative must be provided. This pattern repeats itself until a promise is provided with a guarantee of yes or the guarantee can be propagated to the parent. Alternatively, when no such promise can be provided, the promise can be terminated with a throw. Throwing causes execution of the statements to be aborted until a try statement is found. All changes, if any, to the target since this try are undone an execution resumes at the corresponding catch statement.

The promise guarantees safe execution. When an instruction fails at runtime, the remainder of the chain is aborted and the alternative is evaluated. As a result it is always safe the chain multiple instructions with a guarantee of no.

'promise' {
	'head': stategroup (
		/* fetch from key-value pair systems */
		'variable' {
			/* Retrieves a variable from the instance-data.
			'variable': [ var ] reference
		'configuration' {
			/* Retrieves a value from the system configuration.
			'key': [ conf ] text
			'data type': stategroup (
				'integer' { [ integer ] }
				'text' { [ text ] }
		/* static/hardcoded values */
		'static boolean' {
			/* Create a static boolean value.
			'value': stategroup (
				'true' { [ true ] }
				'false' { [ false ] }
		'static integer' {
			'type': stategroup (
				'integer' {
					/* Create a static integer value.
					'value': integer
				'current time' { [ now ]
					/* Retrieves the current time.
					 * The time indicates when the current routine was started and does not change during the execution of the routine.
					 * This is the time as known by the hosting server.
		'static text' {
			'type': stategroup (
				'text' {
					/* Create a static text value.
					'value': text
				'line break' { [ line-break ]
					/* Create a static text value containing the line break value.
				'guid' { [ guid ]
					/* Generate a new GUID.
					 * This GUID is a Version 4 UUID.
					 * The random data is obtained from a CSPRNG.
					'format': stategroup (
						'canonical' {
							/* The canonical textual representation of 8-4-4-4-12 groups of hexadecimal digits.
						'base 16' { [ base16 ]
							/* Format as a big-endian base 16 encoded text.
						'base 64' { [ base64 ]
							/* Format as a big-endian base 64 encoded text.
		/* fetch from execution state */
		'stored' {
			/* Retrieve the value of a `let` expression.
			'selection': component 'stack selector'
		'context' { [ $ ]
			/* Retrieve the current context (`$`).
		'captured error' { [ error ]
			/* Retrieve the captured error.
			 * This is only valid inside a `catch` statement.
		'entry key' { [ key ]
			/* Retrieve the key of the current entry.
			 * This is only valid inside a `walk` statement.
		/* compute new values */
		'list constructor' { [ list ]
			/* Construct a list object.
			 * This allows for the conversion of a static list to a dynamic list.
			 * The order of entries is identical to the promise order.
			'promises': [ (, ) ] component 'promises'
		'arithmetic' {
			'operation': stategroup (
				'inversion' { [ - ]
					/* Invert the sign of an integer.
					'operand': [ (, ) ] component 'promise'
				'division' { [ division (, ) ]
					/* Divide one integer by another integer.
					 * When the resulting fraction, if any, is truncated.
					 * This fails when `denominator` is zero.
					'numerator': component 'promise'
					'denominator': [ , ] component 'promise'
		'logic' {
			'operation': stategroup (
				'negation' { [ not ]
					/* Toggle the value of a boolean.
					'operand': [ (, ) ] component 'promise'
		'file constructor' { [ file (, ) ]
			/* Construct a file object.
			'token': [ token = ] component 'promise'
			'extension': [ extension = ] component 'promise'
	'chain': component 'promise chain'
	'alternative': stategroup (
		'yes' {
			'type': [ || ] stategroup (
				'value' {
					/* Provide an alternative promise. */
					'value': component 'promise'
				'throw' {
					/* Throw a new error. */
					'message': [ throw ] text
		'no' { }
'promises' {
	'value': component 'promise'
	'has tail': stategroup (
		'yes' {
			'tail': [ , ] component 'promises'
		'no' { }

Value Promise

This represents a top-level promise. A value promise indicates that a promise guarantee of no cannot be propagated from the wrapped promise. The wrapped promise must always have an alternative with a guarantee of yes, or throw.

'value promise' {
	'promise': component 'promise'
'target expression' {
	'type': stategroup (
		'unset' { [ unset ]
			/* Explicitly set an optional value to unset.
			 * This allows the setting of an optional value to be dependent on some condition.
		'set' {
			'type': stategroup (
				'node' {
					/* Target a node.
					 * All mandatory properties must be specified.
					 * Optional properties may be omitted, which is identical to setting them to `unset`.
					 * When a property has attributes, all attributes must also be specified.
					'properties': [ (, ) ] dictionary {
						'attributes': stategroup (
							'yes' {
								'attributes': [ <, > ] dictionary {
									'value': [ = ] component 'value promise'
							'no' { }
						'statement': [ = ] component 'statement'
				'entry' { [ create ]
					/* Create a new entry in a set.
					 * When the set has implicit keys, a key must be provided.
					'implicit key': stategroup (
						'yes' {
							'value': [ [, ] ] component 'value promise'
						'no' { }
					'statement': component 'statement'
				'state' {
					'type': stategroup (
						'branch' { [ create ]
							/* Set an Alan Interface `stategroup` or `union` to the specified state/type.
							'state': reference
							'statement': component 'statement'
						'leaf' {
							/* Set a `schema scalar type` choice to the specified value.
							'option': [ option ] reference
				'scalar' {
					/* Assign a scalar the produced value.
					'value': component 'value promise'


A statement is responsible for the control flow of the processor. Statements operate on a target, the target specifies the cardinality of the statement. A cardinality of singular means that the target can only hold a single value, as a result statements which can produce zero or multiple values are not allowed. A cardinality of plural means that the target can hold any number of values.

Each statement is bound to an execution context. The execution context can be restricted when the statement is not allowed to fail. When the execution context is restricted, operations that (could) generate errors are disabled.

'statement' {
	'type': stategroup (
		'block' { [ {, } ]
			/* Start a new block.
			 * Optionally a block can introduce a new scope.
			 * A block allows multiple independent statements to be written in the same context.
			 * Multiple statements are only allowed when the current target supports multiple values.
			'scope': stategroup (
				'yes' {
					'stack block': component 'stack block'
				'no' { }
			'statement': component 'statements'
		'guard' {
			/* Guard a statement and provide an alternative path.
			 * The execution context of the guarded statement is always free, the fallback statement inherits the current execution context.
			 * This catches all throws found in the guarded statement.
			 * When a throw is caught, the changes to the target are reverted and the fallback statement is executed.
			 * When the guarded statement is successfully executed, the fallback statement is skipped.
			'guarded statement': [ try ] component 'statement'
			'optional assignment': [ catch ] stategroup (
				'yes' { [ as $ ] }
				'no' { }
			'fallback statement': [ => ] component 'statement'
		'switch' {
			'value': [ switch ] component 'promise'
			'type': stategroup (
				'boolean' { [ (, ) ]
					/* Execute a conditional branch.
					 * The condition is evaluated and based on the result, either the `true` or `false` case is executed.
					'on true': [ | true => ] component 'statement'
					'on false': [ | false => ] component 'statement'
				'existence' { [ (, ) ]
					/* Execute a conditional branch.
					 * The promise without a guarantee of yes is evaluated.
					 * Based on whether or not the promise succeeded or failed, the corresponding case is executed.
					 * When the promise succeeds, the result is available in `$`.
					'on value': [ | value as $ => ] component 'statement'
					'on error': [ | error => ] component 'statement'
				'choice' {
					/* Execute a conditional branch.
					 * The branch is determined based on a user defined choice.
					 * When the choice is an Alan Interface `stategroup`, the state node is optionally available in `$`.
					'cases': [ (, ) ] dictionary { [ | ]
						'has next': stategroup = node-switch successor (
							| node = 'yes' { 'next' = successor }
							| none = 'no'
						'optional assignment': stategroup (
							'yes' { [ as $ ] }
							'no' { }
						'statement': [ => ] component 'statement'
		'walk' {
			'type': [ walk ] stategroup (
				'plural' {
					/* Execute a statement once for each entry in a set.
					 * The entry for which the statement is executed, is available in `$`.
					'value': [, as $ ] component 'value promise'
					'statement': [ => ] component 'statement'
				'range' {
					/* Execute a statement for a range of integers.
					'range': group { [ (, ) ]
						'begin': [ from ] component 'value promise'
						'end': [ until ] component 'value promise'
						'step': [ with ] component 'value promise'
					'statement': [ => ] component 'statement'
		'call' {
			/* Call a standard library function or lambda. */
			'selection': [ call ] component 'callable selector'
			'arguments': [ with ] component 'lambda arguments'
		'log operation' { [ @log: ]
			/* Write a message to the debug channel.
			'message': component 'value promise'
		'no operation' { [ no-op ]
			/* No action.
			 * This is to terminate an execution path without doing anything.
			 * It is only allowed when the target allows no value.
			 * This statement allows for the creation of empty sets.
			 * Unlike all other targets, which define no default/initial value, sets are default empty.
		'throw' {
			/* Throw a error.
			 * This can either be a new error, or when inside a `catch` statement it can rethrow the caught error.
			'type': stategroup (
				'captured error' { [ rethrow ] }
				'new error' { [ throw ]
					'message': text
		'target' {
			'target': component 'target expression'
		'execute' {
			/* Execute a Alan Interface command or event.
			'context': [ execute ] component 'value promise'
			'type': stategroup (
				'command' {
					'command': [ command ] reference
				'event' {
					'event': [ event ] reference
			'statement': [ with ] component 'statement'
'statements' {
	'statement': component 'statement'
	'has more statements': stategroup (
		'yes' {
			'statement': component 'statements'
		'no' { }


consumer ( )

/* now example
 *  this example demonstrates the usages of the now instruction
routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'date-time' = now

	/* suppress unused warnings */
	@log: $'date-time' => serialize as ISODateTime
provider ( )

/* Provide on Command example
 *  this simply forces an immediate execution of the `provider` when command `'force run'` is received
routine 'force run' on command 'force run' schedule
/* Provider Initialization
 *  this ensures that the connector always runs with a dataset
 *  it uses a custom routine to generate the initial dataset
provider ( )

init ( )
/* Provider Initialization
 *  this ensures that the connector always runs with a dataset
 *  the dataset is provided by the main routine
provider ( )

init main
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'data' as {
		'value': optional text
	} = ( )
	let $'value' = $'data'.'value' get || ""

	switch $'value' => is ( "" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'value' = $ .'choice'?'a'.'value' || "fallback value"

	switch $'value' => is ( "chosen value" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'value' = $ .'choice'?'a'.'value' || "fallback value"

	switch $'value' => is ( "fallback value" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'message' = list ( "hello", "world" ) => join separator: ( " " ) ( )

	switch $'message' => is ( "hello world" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	switch conf "test" integer => is ( 42 ) || throw "no config value" (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	switch conf "test" text => is ( "hello" ) || throw "no config value" (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do try {
	throw "failure"
catch => switch $ .'value' => is ( "value 101" ) (
	| true => no-op // Test successful
	| false => throw "wrong context value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
	$'Context' =
do switch $'Context'.'custom' (
	|'yes' as $ => throw "switch wrong case"
	|'no' => switch $ .'default' => is ( "The default value" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
	$'Context' =
do switch $'Context'.'custom' (
	|'yes' as $ => switch $ .'value' => is ( "A custom value" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
	|'no' => throw "switch wrong case"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'data' as list integer = {
		create 42
		create 24

	switch $'data' => sum ( ) => is ( 66 ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'data' as integer = 42

	switch $'data' => is ( 42 ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'data' as text = "hello world"

	switch $'data' => is ( "hello world" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do try {
	let $'document' = "hello,world" => parse as CSV || throw "invalid CSV"
	let $'object' = $'document' => decorate as list headless {
		'key': text
	} || throw "partial initialization"

	throw "full initialization"
	/* suppress unused warnings */
	walk $'object' as $ =>
		@log: $ .'key'
catch as $ => switch $ => is ( "partial initialization" ) (
	| true => no-op // Test successful
	| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do try {
	let $'document' = "{}" => parse as JSON || throw "invalid JSON"
	let $'object' = $'document' => decorate as {
		'key': text
	} || throw "partial initialization"

	throw "full initialization"
	/* suppress unused warnings */
	@log: $'object'.'key'
catch as $ => switch $ => is ( "partial initialization" ) (
	| true => no-op // Test successful
	| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do try {
	let $'document' = "<root></root>" => parse as XML || throw "invalid XML"
	let $'object' = $'document' => decorate as {
		'root': {
			'key': text
	} || throw "partial initialization"

	throw "full initialization"
	/* suppress unused warnings */
	@log: $'object'.'root'.'key'
catch as $ => switch $ => is ( "partial initialization" ) (
	| true => no-op // Test successful
	| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do try {
	let $'document' = "<root></root>" => parse as XML || throw "invalid XML"
	let $'object' = $'document' => decorate as {
		'root'<'key': text > : { }
	} || throw "partial initialization"

	throw "full initialization"
	/* suppress unused warnings */
	@log: $'object'.'root'<'key'>
catch as $ => switch $ => is ( "partial initialization" ) (
	| true => no-op // Test successful
	| false => throw "produced wrong value"
provider (
	'objects' = try {
		create (
			'key' = "key"
		create (
			'key' = "key"
	catch as $ => switch $ => is ( "collection uniqueness constraint violation" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "invalid error"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do execute $ command 'command' with (
	'message' = "Hello world!"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'date-time' = 212479064430 => call 'calendar'::'convert' with (
		$'source type' = option 'date-time'
		$'timezone' = unset
	let $'value' = "{Year,number,::group-off integer-width/0000}-{Month,number,::integer-width/00}-{Day,number,::integer-width/00}T{Hour,number,::integer-width/00}:{Minute,number,::integer-width/00}:{Second,number,::integer-width/00}Z" => call 'unicode'::'format' with (
		$'data' = new (
			'types' = {
				create ["Year"] create 'number' $'date-time'.'calendar'.'year'
				create ["Month"] create 'number' $'date-time'.'calendar'.'month'
				create ["Day"] create 'number' $'date-time'.'calendar'.'day'
				create ["Hour"] create 'number' $'date-time'.'time'.'hour'
				create ["Minute"] create 'number' $'date-time'.'time'.'minute'
				create ["Second"] create 'number' $'date-time'.'time'.'second'
		$'locale' = "C"
	) || throw "format error"

	switch $'value' => is ( "2021-02-03T10:20:30Z" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do try {
	let $'object' as integer @limit: { , 4 } = 128

	throw "length valid"
	/* suppress unused warnings */
	@log: $'object' => serialize as integer
catch as $ => switch $ => is ( "integer value limit violation" ) (
	| true => no-op // Test successful
	| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do try {
	let $'object' as integer @limit: { 128 , } = 4

	throw "length valid"
	/* suppress unused warnings */
	@log: $'object' => serialize as integer
catch as $ => switch $ => is ( "integer value limit violation" ) (
	| true => no-op // Test successful
	| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'document' = "{\"key\":3}" => parse as JSON || throw "invalid JSON"
	let $'object' = $'document' => decorate as {
		'key': integer @limit: { , 40 }
	} || throw "value limit exceeded"

	switch $'object'.'key' => is ( 3 ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do try {
	let $'document' = "{\"key\":40}" => parse as JSON || throw "invalid JSON"
	let $'object' = $'document' => decorate as {
		'key': text @limit: { , 4 }
	} || throw "value limit exceeded"

	throw "value valid"
	/* suppress unused warnings */
	@log: $'object'.'key'
catch as $ => switch $ => is ( "value limit exceeded" ) (
	| true => no-op // Test successful
	| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on collection 'data'
do switch $ => sum ( .'val' )  => is ( 20 ) (
	| true => no-op // Test successful
	| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on collection 'data' deletion
do switch $ => is ( "delete" ) (
	| true => no-op // Test successful
	| false => throw "produced wrong value"
provider ( )

routine 'test' on command 'command'
do switch $ .'message' => is ( "Hello world!" ) (
	| true => no-op // Test successful
	| false => throw "produced wrong value"
provider (
	'state' = create 'hello' ( )

routine 'test' on command 'command'
	$'Hello' = .'state'?'hello'
do switch $ .'message' => is ( "Hello world!" ) (
	| true => no-op // Test successful
	| false => throw "produced wrong value"
provider ( )

routine 'test' on command 'command'
	$'Context' =
do execute $'Context' event 'event' with (
	'message' = $ .'message'
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on event 'event'
do switch $ .'message' => is ( "Hello world!" ) (
	| true => no-op // Test successful
	| false => throw "produced wrong value"
provider (
	'value' = {
		try 0
		catch as $ => switch $ => is ( "interface number bounds violation" ) (
			| true => 1 // Test successful
			| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do try {
	switch "\"hello world" => parse as CSV (
		| value as $ => throw "parse of garbage resulted in valid CSV"
		| error => throw "invalid CSV"
catch as $ => switch $ => is ( "invalid CSV" ) (
	| true => no-op // Test successful
	| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do try {
	switch "hello,world
tester" => parse as CSV (
		| value as $ => throw "parse of garbage resulted in valid CSV"
		| error => throw "invalid CSV"
catch as $ => switch $ => is ( "invalid CSV" ) (
	| true => no-op // Test successful
	| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do try {
	switch "hello world" => parse as JSON (
		| value as $ => throw "parse of garbage resulted in valid JSON"
		| error => throw "invalid JSON"
catch as $ => switch $ => is ( "invalid JSON" ) (
	| true => no-op // Test successful
	| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do try {
	switch "hello world" => parse as XML (
		| value as $ => throw "parse of garbage resulted in valid XML"
		| error => throw "invalid XML"
catch as $ => switch $ => is ( "invalid XML" ) (
	| true => no-op // Test successful
	| false => throw "produced wrong value"
provider (
	'items' = {
		let $'key' = "A"

		call lambda ( ) => create (
			'key' = ^ $'key'
		) with ( )
provider (
	'branches' = {
		let $'create branch' = lambda ( $'create leafs': lambda on * .'leafs' ( ) ) => {
			let $'key' = "A"

			create (
				'key' = $'key'
				'leafs' = call ^ $'create leafs' with ( )
		let $'key' = ".A"

		call $'create branch' with (
			$'create leafs' = lambda => create (
				'key' = ^ $'key'
provider (
	'items' = {
		let $'key' = "A"
		let $'create' = lambda ( ) => create (
			'key' = ^ $'key'

		call $'create' with ( )
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'greet' = lambda on interface command 'command' ( ) => (
		'message' = "Hello world!"

	execute $ command 'command' with call $'greet' with ( )
define 'type' as {
	'items': list {
		'value': text

provider (
	'items' = {
		let $'lambda' = lambda (
			$'f': 'type'
		) => walk $'f'.'items' as $ => create (
			'key' = $ .'value'

		call $'lambda' with (
			$'f' = new (
				'items' = {
					create (
						'value' = "a"
					create (
						'value' = "b"
provider (
	'items' = {
		let $'lambda' = lambda (
			$'f': {
				'items': list {
					'value': text
		) => walk $'f'.'items' as $ => create (
			'key' = $ .'value'

		call $'lambda' with (
			$'f' = new (
				'items' = {
					create (
						'value' = "a"
					create (
						'value' = "b"
provider (
	'items' = {
		let $'data' as list {
			'value': optional text
		} = {
			create (
				'value' = "a"
			create ( )

		walk $'data' as $ => call lambda ( $'f': optional text ) => switch $'f' get (
			| value as $ => create (
				'key' = $
			| error => no-op
		) with ( $'f' = $ .'value' )
provider (
	'items' = {
		let $'create' = lambda ( $'f': optional text ) => switch $'f' get (
			| value as $ => create (
				'key' = $
			| error => no-op

		call $'create' with ( $'f' = set "a" )
		call $'create' with ( $'f' = unset )
provider (
	'items' = {
		let $'create' = lambda ( $'key': lambda on * .'key' ( ) ) => create (
			'key' = call $'key' with ( )

		call $'create' with ( $'key' = lambda => "A" )
provider (
	'items' = {
		let $'create' = lambda (
			$'key': lambda on * .'key' (
				$'val': text
		) => create (
			'key' = call $'key' with ( $'val' = "A" )

		call $'create' with ( $'key' = lambda => $'val' )
provider (
	'numbers' = {
		let $'data' as {
			'objects': collection {
				'next': optional text
				'value': integer
			'first': text
		} = (
			'objects' = {
				create ["one"] (
					'next' = "two"
					'value' = 1
				create ["two"] (
					'next' = "three"
					'value' = 2
				create ["three"] (
					'value' = 3
			'first' = "one"

		call lambda ( $'key': text ) => {
			let $'entry' = ^ ^ $'data'.'objects'[ ^ $'key'] || throw "invalid reference"

			create (
				'key' = ^ $'key'
				'value' = $'entry'.'value'
			switch $'entry'.'next' get (
				| value as $ => call self with ( $'key' = $ )
				| error => no-op // Test successful
		} with ( $'key' = $'data'.'first' )
provider (
	'items' = {
		let $'create' = lambda ( $'key': text ) => create (
			'key' = $'key'

		call $'create' with ( $'key' = "A" )
define 'dataset' as list {
	'key': text
	'val': text

provider {
	let $'data' as 'dataset' = {
		create (
			'key' = "A"
			'val' = "hello"
		create (
			'key' = "B"
			'val' = "bye"
	let $'create' = lambda on .'items' ( $'line': 'dataset'* ) => create (
		'key' = $'line'.'key'
		'val' = $'line'.'val'

		'items' = walk $'data' as $ => call $'create' with ( $'line' = $ )
define 'option' as choice ( 'hello' 'bye' )

consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'option' = "bye" => decorate as 'option' || throw "option could not be decorated"

	switch $'option' (
		|'hello' => throw "produced wrong value"
		|'bye' => no-op // Test successful
define 'option' as choice ( 'hello' 'bye' )

consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'settings' = "{\"option\": \"bye\"}" => parse as JSON => decorate as {
		'option': 'option'
	} || throw "option could not be decorated"

	switch $'settings'.'option' (
		|'hello' => throw "produced wrong value"
		|'bye' => no-op // Test successful
define 'option' as choice ( 'hello' 'bye' )

consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'option' as 'option' = option 'bye'

	switch $'option' (
		|'hello' => throw "produced wrong value"
		|'bye' => no-op // Test successful
define 'text pattern' as pattern ( 'text': $ text )

consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'values' = "hello world" => parse as pattern 'text pattern' || throw "invalid format"

	switch $'values'.'text' => is ( "hello world" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "incorrect parse result"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	switch not ( 42 => is ( 24 ) ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'source' as 'calendar'/'constructor' = (
		'date' = create 'calendar' (
			'year' = 2021
			'month' = 2
			'day' = 3
		'time' = (
			'hour' = 10
			'minute' = 20
			'second' = 30
	let $'value' = $'source' => call 'calendar'::'construct' with ( $'timezone' = unset )

	switch $'value' => is ( 212479064430 ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'source' as 'calendar'/'constructor' = (
		'date' = create 'calendar' (
			'year' = 2021
			'month' = 8
			'day' = 4
		'time' = (
			'hour' = 10
			'minute' = 20
			'second' = 30
	let $'value' = $'source' => call 'calendar'::'construct' with ( $'timezone' = unset )

	switch $'value' => is ( 212494789230 ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'source' as 'calendar'/'constructor' = (
		'date' = create 'calendar' (
			'year' = 2021
			'month' = 2
			'day' = 3
		'time' = (
			'hour' = 10
			'minute' = 20
			'second' = 30
	let $'value' = $'source' => call 'calendar'::'construct' with ( $'timezone' = set "Europe/Amsterdam" )

	switch $'value' => is ( 212479060830 ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'source' as 'calendar'/'constructor' = (
		'date' = create 'calendar' (
			'year' = 2021
			'month' = 8
			'day' = 4
		'time' = (
			'hour' = 10
			'minute' = 20
			'second' = 30
	let $'value' = $'source' => call 'calendar'::'construct' with ( $'timezone' = set "Europe/Amsterdam" )

	switch $'value' => is ( 212494782030 ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'source' as 'calendar'/'constructor' = (
		'date' = create 'week' (
			'year' = 2021
			'week' = 5
			'day' = option 'Wednesday'
		'time' = (
			'hour' = 10
			'minute' = 20
			'second' = 30
	let $'value' = $'source' => call 'calendar'::'construct' with ( $'timezone' = unset )

	switch $'value' => is ( 212479064430 ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'source' as 'calendar'/'constructor' = (
		'date' = create 'week' (
			'year' = 2021
			'week' = 31
			'day' = option 'Wednesday'
		'time' = (
			'hour' = 10
			'minute' = 20
			'second' = 30
	let $'value' = $'source' => call 'calendar'::'construct' with ( $'timezone' = unset )

	switch $'value' => is ( 212494789230 ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do try {
	let $'object' as { } = throw "expected"

	throw "unexpected"
	/* suppress unused warnings */
	@log: $'object' => serialize as JSON
catch as $ => switch $ => is ( "expected" ) (
	| true => no-op // Test successful
	| false => throw "produced wrong value"
provider (
	'objects' = {
		let $'dataset' = "{\"objects\":[{\"name\":\"tester\",\"age\":42},{\"name\":\"jester\"}]}" => parse as JSON => decorate as {
			'objects': list {
				'name': text
				'age': optional integer
		} || throw "dataset could not be decorated"

		walk $'dataset'.'objects' as $ => create (
			'key' = $ .'name'
			'age' = switch $ .'age' get (
				| value as $ => create 'known' (
					'age' = $
				| error => create 'unknown' ( )
provider (
	'objects' = {
		let $'data' as list {
			'name': text
			'age': optional integer
		} = {
			create (
				'name' = "tester"
				'age' = 42
			create (
				'name' = "jester"

		walk $'data' as $ => create (
			'key' = $ .'name'
			'age' = switch $ .'age' get (
				| value as $ => create 'known' (
					'age' = $
				| error => create 'unknown' ( )
provider (
	'objects' = {
		let $'data' as list {
			'name': text
			'age': optional integer
		} = {
			create (
				'name' = "tester"
				'age' = 42
			create (
				'name' = "jester"
				'age' = unset

		walk $'data' as $ => create (
			'key' = $ .'name'
			'age' = switch $ .'age' get (
				| value as $ => create 'known' (
					'age' = $
				| error => create 'unknown' ( )
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'JSON' = "42" => parse as JSON => decorate as choice ( 'center': 16 'left': 42 'right': 24 ) || throw "invalid json"

	switch $'JSON' (
		|'center' => throw "invalid state `center` selected"
		|'left' => no-op // Test successful
		|'right' => throw "invalid state `right` selected"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'JSON' = "\"left\"" => parse as JSON => decorate as choice ( 'center' 'left' 'right' ) || throw "invalid json"

	switch $'JSON' (
		|'center' => throw "invalid state `center` selected"
		|'left' => no-op // Test successful
		|'right' => throw "invalid state `right` selected"
provider (
	'objects' = {
		let $'JSON' = "{\"hello\":24,\"world\":42}" => parse as JSON => decorate as collection integer || throw "invalid json"

		walk $'JSON' as $ => create (
			'key' = key
			'val' = $
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'JSON' = "42" => parse as JSON => decorate as integer || throw "invalid json"

	switch $'JSON' => is ( 42 ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
provider (
	'objects' = {
		let $'JSON' = "[\"hello\",\"world\"]" => parse as JSON => decorate as list text || throw "invalid json"

		walk $'JSON' as $ => create (
			'key' = $
provider (
	'objects' = {
		let $'JSON' = "[[\"key\",\"value\"],[\"hello\",12],[\"world\",42]]" => parse as JSON => decorate as table {
			'key': text
			'value': integer
		} || throw "invalid json"

		walk $'JSON' as $ => create (
			'key' = $ .'key'
			'value' = $ .'value'
provider (
	'objects' = {
		let $'JSON' = "[[\"value\",\"key\"],[12,\"hello\"],[42,\"world\"]]" => parse as JSON => decorate as table {
			'key': text
			'value': integer
		} || throw "invalid json"

		walk $'JSON' as $ => create (
			'key' = $ .'key'
			'value' = $ .'value'
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'JSON' = "\"hello world\"" => parse as JSON => decorate as text || throw "invalid json"

	switch $'JSON' => is ( "hello world" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
provider (
	'objects' = {
		let $'CSV' = "key,val
world,jester" => parse as CSV => decorate as table {
			'key': text
			'val': text
		} || throw "invalid csv"

		walk $'CSV' as $ => create (
			'key' = $ .'key'
			'val' = $ .'val'
provider (
	'objects' = {
		let $'CSV' = "key,val
" => parse as CSV => decorate as table {
			'key': text
			'val': text
		} || throw "invalid csv"

		walk $'CSV' as $ => create (
			'key' = $ .'key'
			'val' = $ .'val'
provider (
	'objects' = {
		let $'CSV' = "hello,tester
world,jester" => parse as CSV => decorate as list headless {
			'key': text
			'val': text
		} || throw "invalid csv"

		walk $'CSV' as $ => create (
			'key' = $ .'key'
			'val' = $ .'val'
provider (
	'objects' = {
		let $'CSV' = "key;val
world;jester" => parse as CSV separator: (";") => decorate as table {
			'key': text
			'val': text
		} || throw "invalid csv"

		walk $'CSV' as $ => create (
			'key' = $ .'key'
			'val' = $ .'val'
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'value' = "2021-02-03T10:20:30Z" => parse as ISODateTime || throw "invalid format"

	switch $'value' => is ( 212479064430 ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'value' = "2021-08-04T10:20:30Z" => parse as ISODateTime || throw "invalid format"

	switch $'value' => is ( 212494789230 ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'value' = "2021-02-03T10:20:30+04" => parse as ISODateTime || throw "invalid format"

	switch $'value' => is ( 212479050030 ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'value' = "2021-08-04T10:20:30+04" => parse as ISODateTime || throw "invalid format"

	switch $'value' => is ( 212494774830 ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'value' = "2021-02-03T10:20:30-04" => parse as ISODateTime || throw "invalid format"

	switch $'value' => is ( 212479078830 ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'value' = "2021-08-04T10:20:30-04" => parse as ISODateTime || throw "invalid format"

	switch $'value' => is ( 212494803630 ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'value' = "42" => parse as decimal locale: "en_US" || throw "invalid format"

	switch $'value' => is ( 42 ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'value' = "42" => parse as decimal locale: "en_US" << ( 2 ) || throw "invalid format"

	switch $'value' => is ( 4200 ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'value' = "42.42" => parse as decimal locale: "en_US" << ( 2 ) || throw "invalid format"

	switch $'value' => is ( 4242 ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'value' = ".42" => parse as decimal locale: "en_US" << ( 2 ) || throw "invalid format"

	switch $'value' => is ( 42 ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'value' = "42,42" => parse as decimal locale: "nl_NL" << ( 2 ) || throw "invalid format"

	switch $'value' => is ( 4242 ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'JSON' = "[42,true]" => parse as JSON || throw "invalid JSON"
	let $'test' = $'JSON' => decorate as headless {
		'A': integer
		'B': boolean
	} || throw "invalid format"

	switch $'test'.'B' (
		| true => switch $'test'.'A' => is ( 42 ) (
			| true => no-op // Test successful
			| false => throw "incorrect value `A`"
		| false => throw "incorrect value `B`"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do try {
	let $'JSON' = "[true,false]" => parse as JSON || throw "invalid JSON"
	let $'test' = $'JSON' => decorate as headless {
		'value': boolean
	} || throw "invalid format"

	switch $'test'.'value' (
		| true => throw "parse of invalid headless node succeeded"
		| false => throw "incorrect value"
catch as $ => switch $ => is ( "invalid format" ) (
	| true => no-op // Test successful
	| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'XML' = "<root><data>hello</data><data>world</data></root>" => parse as XML || throw "invalid XML"
	let $'test' = $'XML' => decorate as {
		'root': {
			'data': headless {
				'A': text
				'B': text
	} || throw "invalid format"

	switch $'test'.'root'.'data'.'A' => is ( "hello" ) (
		| true => switch $'test'.'root'.'data'.'B' => is ( "world" ) (
			| true => no-op // Test successful
			| false => throw "incorrect value `B`"
		| false => throw "incorrect value `A`"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'vectors' as collection integer = {
		create ["42"] 42
		create ["-42"] -42
		create ["4200"] 4200
		create ["0"] 0

	walk $'vectors' as $ => {
		let $'value' = key => parse as integer || throw "invalid format"

		switch $'value' => is ( $ ) (
			| true => no-op // Test successful
			| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'json raw' = "{\"value\":null}"
	let $'result' = $'json raw' => parse as JSON => decorate as {
		'value': optional text
	} || throw "could not parse JSON"

	switch $'result'.'value' get (
		| value as $ => throw "produced wrong value"
		| error => no-op // Test successful
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'value' = "a.b.c" => parse as pattern ( 'name': $ text "." text ) || throw "invalid format"

	switch $'value'.'name' => is ( "a" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "incorrect parse result"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'value' = "a.b.c" => parse as pattern ( 'name': $ text * "." text ) || throw "invalid format"

	switch $'value'.'name' => is ( "a.b" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "incorrect parse result"
define 'test' as pattern ( 'full': $ text { 2 , 4 } )

consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'vectors' as list {
		'value': text
		'match': boolean
	} = {
		create (
			'value' = ""
			'match' = false
		create (
			'value' = "a"
			'match' = false
		create (
			'value' = "ab"
			'match' = true
		create (
			'value' = "abc"
			'match' = true
		create (
			'value' = "abcd"
			'match' = true
		create (
			'value' = "abcde"
			'match' = false

	walk $'vectors' as $ => {
		let $'vector' = $

		switch $'vector'.'value' => parse as pattern 'test' (
			| value as $ => switch $'vector'.'match' (
				| true => no-op // Test successful
				| false => throw "incorrect parse result"
			| error => switch $'vector'.'match' (
				| true => throw "incorrect parse result"
				| false => no-op // Test successful
define 'test' as pattern ( 'full': $ text { , 4 } )

consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'vectors' as list {
		'value': text
		'match': boolean
	} = {
		create (
			'value' = ""
			'match' = true
		create (
			'value' = "a"
			'match' = true
		create (
			'value' = "ab"
			'match' = true
		create (
			'value' = "abc"
			'match' = true
		create (
			'value' = "abcd"
			'match' = true
		create (
			'value' = "abcde"
			'match' = false

	walk $'vectors' as $ => {
		let $'vector' = $

		switch $'vector'.'value' => parse as pattern 'test' (
			| value as $ => switch $'vector'.'match' (
				| true => no-op // Test successful
				| false => throw "incorrect parse result"
			| error => switch $'vector'.'match' (
				| true => throw "incorrect parse result"
				| false => no-op // Test successful
define 'test' as pattern ( 'full': $ text { 2 , } )

consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'vectors' as list {
		'value': text
		'match': boolean
	} = {
		create (
			'value' = ""
			'match' = false
		create (
			'value' = "a"
			'match' = false
		create (
			'value' = "ab"
			'match' = true
		create (
			'value' = "abc"
			'match' = true
		create (
			'value' = "abcd"
			'match' = true
		create (
			'value' = "abcde"
			'match' = true

	walk $'vectors' as $ => {
		let $'vector' = $

		switch $'vector'.'value' => parse as pattern 'test' (
			| value as $ => switch $'vector'.'match' (
				| true => no-op // Test successful
				| false => throw "incorrect parse result"
			| error => switch $'vector'.'match' (
				| true => throw "incorrect parse result"
				| false => no-op // Test successful
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'values' = "prefix/-1234567890/suffix" => parse as pattern ( 'id': "prefix/" $ decimal locale: "en_US" "/suffix" ) || throw "invalid format"

	switch $'values'.'id' => is ( -1234567890 ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "incorrect parse result"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'values' = "[]" => parse as pattern ( 'text': "[" $ text "]" ) || throw "invalid format"

	switch $'values'.'text' => is ( "" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "incorrect parse result"
provider {
	let $'values' = "42::64" => parse as pattern ( 'a': $ decimal locale: "en_US" "::" 'b': $ decimal locale: "en_US" ) || throw "invalid format"

		'a' = $'values'.'a'
		'b' = $'values'.'b'
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'values' = "prefix/value/suffix" => parse as pattern ( 'value': text "/" $ text "/" text ) || throw "invalid format"

	switch $'values'.'value' => is ( "value" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "incorrect parse result"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'values' = "prefix/value" => parse as pattern ( 'value': text "/" $ text ) || throw "invalid format"

	switch $'values'.'value' => is ( "value" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "incorrect parse result"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'values' = "value/suffix" => parse as pattern ( 'value': $ text "/" text ) || throw "invalid format"

	switch $'values'.'value' => is ( "value" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "incorrect parse result"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'values' = "prefix/part/suffix" => parse as pattern ( 'type': "prefix/" $ text "/suffix" ) || throw "invalid format"

	switch $'values'.'type' => is ( "part" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "incorrect parse result"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'xml raw' = "
	<element><![CDATA[correct value]]></element>
	let $'result' = $'xml raw' => parse as XML => decorate as {
		'root': {
			'element': text
	} || throw "could not parse XML"

	switch $'result'.'root'.'element' => is ( "correct value" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'xml raw' = "
	let $'result' = $'xml raw' => parse as XML => decorate as {
		'root': {
			'element': text
	} || throw "could not parse XML"

	switch $'result'.'root'.'element' => is ( "correct_value" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
provider {
	let $'xml raw' = "
	<one>first entry</one>
	<two>second entry</two>
	let $'result' = $'xml raw' => parse as XML => decorate as {
		'data': collection text
	} || throw "could not parse XML"

		'data' = walk $'result'.'data' as $ => create (
			'key' = key
			'value' = $
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'xml raw' = "
	let $'result' = $'xml raw' => parse as XML => decorate as {
		'root': {
			'element': optional text
	} || throw "could not parse XML"

	switch $'result'.'root'.'element' get (
		| value as $ => throw "produced wrong value"
		| error => no-op // Test successful
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'xml raw' = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=\"\">
	<soap:Body>correct value</soap:Body>
	let $'result' = $'xml raw' => parse as XML => decorate as {
		'Envelope': {
			'Body': text
	} || throw "could not parse XML"

	switch $'result'.'Envelope'.'Body' => is ( "correct value" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'xml raw' = "
	<element>wrong value</element>
	<element id=\"correct\">correct value</element>
	let $'result' = $'xml raw' => parse as XML => decorate as {
		'root': {
			'element'< where 'id' is "correct"> : text
	} || throw "could not parse XML"

	switch $'result'.'root'.'element' => is ( "correct value" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
provider (
	'keys' = {
		let $'data' as list {
			'key': text
			'name': text
		} = {
			create (
				'key' = "tester"
				'name' = "one"
			create (
				'key' = "tester"
				'name' = "two"
			create (
				'key' = "developer"
				'name' = "three"
		let $'buckets' = $'data' => partition on ( .'key' )

		walk $'buckets' as $ => create (
			'key' = key
			'names' = walk $ as $ => create (
				'name' = $ .'name'
provider (
	'keys' = {
		let $'data' as list {
			'key': integer
			'name': text
		} = {
			create (
				'key' = 1
				'name' = "one"
			create (
				'key' = 2
				'name' = "two"
			create (
				'key' = 2
				'name' = "three"
		let $'buckets' = $'data' => partition on ( .'key' )

		walk $'buckets' as $ => create (
			'key' = key => serialize as decimal locale: "en_US"
			'value' = key
			'names' = walk $ as $ => create (
				'name' = $ .'name'
provider (
	'keys' = {
		let $'data' as collection text = {
			create ["tester"] "one"
			create ["tester"] "two"
			create ["developer"] "three"
		let $'buckets' = $'data' => partition on key

		walk $'buckets' as $ => create (
			'key' = key
			'names' = walk $ as $ => create (
				'name' = $
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'data' as list boolean = {
		create true
		create false
		create true
	let $'value' = $'data' => call 'plural'::'filter' with (
		$'filter' = lambda => $'entry'

	switch $'value'.size => is ( 2 ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'data' as list integer = {
		create 5
		create 2
		create 5
	let $'magic' = 5
	let $'value' = $'data' => call 'plural'::'filter' with (
		$'filter' = lambda => $'entry' => is ( ^ $'magic' )

	switch $'value'.size => is ( 2 ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
	$'Context' =
do {
	let $'object' = ^ $'Context'.'objects' => call 'plural'::'select' with (
		$'compare' = lambda => $'A'.'value' => greater-than ( $'B'.'value' )
	) || throw "no unique object to select"

	switch $'object'.'key' => is ( "two" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
	$'Context' =
do {
	let $'object' = ^ $'Context'.'objects' => call 'plural'::'select' with (
		$'compare' = lambda => $'A'.'value' => greater-than ( $'B'.'value' )
	) || throw "no unique object to select"

	switch $'object'.'key' => is ( "two" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
	$'Context' =
do try {
	let $'object' = ^ $'Context'.'objects' => call 'plural'::'select' with (
		$'compare' = lambda => $'A'.'has value'?'yes'.'value' => greater-than ( $'B'.'has value'?'yes'.'value' ) || throw "comparison data missing"
	) || throw "no selection"

	throw "object selected"
catch as $ => switch $ => is ( "comparison data missing" ) (
	| true => no-op // Test successful
	| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'data' as list integer = {
		create 16
		create 42
		create 39
	let $'value' = $'data' => call 'plural'::'sort' with (
		$'compare' = lambda => $'A' => less-than ( $'B' )

	switch $'value' => join separator: ( "," ) ( => serialize as decimal locale: "en_US" ) => is ( "16,39,42" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'data' as list integer = {
		create 16
		create 42
		create 39
		create 17
		create 43
		create 38
		create 18
		create 44
		create 37
	let $'result' as list {
		'bucket': list integer
	} = walk $'data' => call 'plural'::'split' with ( $'bucket size' = 2 ) as $ => create (
		'bucket' = walk $ as $ => create $

	switch $'result' => serialize as JSON => is ( "[{\"bucket\":[16,42]},{\"bucket\":[39,17]},{\"bucket\":[43,38]},{\"bucket\":[18,44]},{\"bucket\":[37]}]" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
provider (
	'number' = var 'integer'
	'text' = var 'text'
	'file' = file (
		token = var 'file-token'
		extension = var 'file-exten'
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
	$'Context' =
do {
	let $'name' = ^ $'Context'.'objects' => join ( .'key' )

	switch $'name' => is ( "onetwo" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
	$'Context' =
do {
	let $'name' = ^ $'Context'.'objects' => join separator: ( ", " ) ( .'key' )

	switch $'name' => is ( "one, two" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
	$'Context' =
do {
	let $'value' = ^ $'Context'.'objects' => product ( .'value' )

	switch $'value' => is ( 12 ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
	$'Context' =
do {
	let $'name' = ^ $'Context'.'objects' => shared ( .'name' ) || throw "object name not shared"

	switch $'name' => is ( "tester" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
	$'Context' =
do {
	let $'value' = ^ $'Context'.'objects' => sum ( .'value' )

	switch $'value' => is ( 1999 ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
	$'Context' =
do {
	let $'names' = ^ $'Context'.'objects' => unique ( .'name' )

	switch $'names' => join separator: ( "," ) ( ) => is ( "tester,developer" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
provider (
	'objects' = {
		create (
			'key' = "static"
		try {
			create (
				'key' = "dynamic"
			/* this should undo all changes made in under the try, but no other changes */
			throw "test collection restore"
		catch => no-op
provider (
	'objects' = {
		let $'set' as list {
			'key': optional text
		} = {
			create ( )
			create (
				'key' = "one"
			create ( )
			create (
				'key' = "two"
			create ( )

		walk $'set' as $ => try create (
			'key' = $ .'key' get || throw "no key"
		catch => no-op
provider (
	'objects' = {
		let $'data' as collection { } = {
			create ["static"] ( )
			try {
				create ["dynamic"] ( )
				/* this should undo all changes made in under the try, but no other changes */
				throw "test collection restore"
			catch => no-op

		walk $'data' as $ => create (
			'key' = key
provider (
	'objects' = {
		let $'data' as list {
			'key': text
		} = {
			create (
				'key' = "static"
			try {
				create (
					'key' = "dynamic"
				/* this should undo all changes made in under the try, but no other changes */
				throw "test list restore"
			catch => no-op

		walk $'data' as $ => create (
			'key' = $ .'key'
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'schema' as {
		'data' <'attribute': text > : text
	} = (
		'data' <
			'attribute' = "hello"
		> = "world"

	switch $'schema'.'data'<'attribute'> => is ( "hello" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'value' = 42 => serialize as decimal locale: "en_US"

	switch $'value' => is ( "42" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'value' = 4242 => serialize as decimal locale: "en_US" << ( 2 )

	switch $'value' => is ( "42.42" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'value' = 4242 => serialize as decimal locale: "nl_NL" << ( 2 )

	switch $'value' => is ( "42,42" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'value' = -4242 => serialize as decimal locale: "nl_NL" << ( 2 )

	switch $'value' => is ( "-42,42" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'data' as list headless {
		'a': optional text
		'b': optional text
	} = {
		create (
			'a' = "hello"
		create (
			'b' = "bye"

	switch $'data' => serialize as JSON => is ( "[[\"hello\",null],[null,\"bye\"]]" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'vectors' as collection integer = {
		create ["42"] 42
		create ["-42"] -42
		create ["4200"] 4200
		create ["0"] 0

	walk $'vectors' as $ => {
		let $'value' = $ => serialize as integer

		switch $'value' => is ( key ) (
			| true => no-op // Test successful
			| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
	$'Context' =
do switch $'Context' => serialize as JSON => is ( "{\"data\":[{\"key\":\"one\",\"choice\":[\"yes\",{}],\"group1\":{\"value\":42,\"description\":\"test entry one\"},\"group2\":{\"file\":[\"one\",\".txt\"]}},{\"key\":\"two\",\"choice\":[\"yes\",{}],\"group1\":{\"value\":-42,\"description\":\"test entry two\"},\"group2\":{\"file\":[\"two\",\".txt\"]}}]}" ) (
	| true => no-op // Test successful
	| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'value' = true => serialize as JSON

	switch $'value' => is ( "true" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'value' = 42 => serialize as JSON

	switch $'value' => is ( "42" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'value' = "hello world" => serialize as JSON

	switch $'value' => is ( "\"hello world\"" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'value' = file ( token = "hello" extension = ".txt" ) => serialize as JSON

	switch $'value' => is ( "[\"hello\",\".txt\"]" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'value' = list ( 42 , 12 , 24 ) => serialize as JSON

	switch $'value' => is ( "[42,12,24]" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'source' as collection integer = {
		create ["a"] 42
		create ["b"] 12
		create ["c"] 24
	let $'value' = $'source' => serialize as JSON

	switch $'value' => is ( "{\"a\":42,\"b\":12,\"c\":24}" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'data' as list choice ( 'one': 1 'two': 2 ) = {
		create option 'one'
		create option 'two'

	switch $'data' => serialize as JSON => is ( "[1,2]" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'data' as list choice ( 'one' 'two' ) = {
		create option 'one'
		create option 'two'

	switch $'data' => serialize as JSON => is ( "[\"one\",\"two\"]" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'data' as collection {
		'description': text
		'value': integer
	} = {
		create ["one"] (
			'description' = "test entry one"
			'value' = 42
		create ["two"] (
			'description' = "test entry two"
			'value' = -42

	switch $'data' => serialize as JSON => is ( "{\"one\":{\"description\":\"test entry one\",\"value\":42},\"two\":{\"description\":\"test entry two\",\"value\":-42}}" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'schema' as {
		'data': collection {
			'description': text
			'value': text
	} = (
		'data' = {
			create ["one"] (
				'description' = "test entry one"
				'value' = 42 => serialize as integer
			create ["two"] (
				'description' = "test entry two"
				'value' = -42 => serialize as integer

	switch $'schema' => serialize as XML => is ( "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>
<data><one><description>test entry one</description><value>42</value></one><two><description>test entry two</description><value>-42</value></two></data>
" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'schema' as {
		'description': text
		'value': text
	} = (
		'description' = "hello world"
		'value' = 42 => serialize as integer

	switch $'schema' => serialize as XML => is ( "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>
<description>hello world</description><value>42</value>
" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
provider {
		'message' = "hello world"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do try {
	let $'object' as text @limit: { , 4 } = "hello world"

	throw "length valid"
	/* suppress unused warnings */
	@log: $'object'
catch as $ => switch $ => is ( "text length limit violation" ) (
	| true => no-op // Test successful
	| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do try {
	let $'object' as text @limit: { 40 , } = "hello world"

	throw "length valid"
	/* suppress unused warnings */
	@log: $'object'
catch as $ => switch $ => is ( "text length limit violation" ) (
	| true => no-op // Test successful
	| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'document' = "{\"key\":\"hello world\"}" => parse as JSON || throw "invalid JSON"
	let $'object' = $'document' => decorate as {
		'key': text @limit: { , 40 }
	} || throw "length limit exceeded"

	switch $'object'.'key' => is ( "hello world" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do try {
	let $'document' = "{\"key\":\"hello world\"}" => parse as JSON || throw "invalid JSON"
	let $'object' = $'document' => decorate as {
		'key': text @limit: { , 4 }
	} || throw "length limit exceeded"

	throw "length valid"
	/* suppress unused warnings */
	@log: $'object'.'key'
catch as $ => switch $ => is ( "length limit exceeded" ) (
	| true => no-op // Test successful
	| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do try {
	let $'document' = "<key>hello world</key>" => parse as XML || throw "invalid XML"
	let $'object' = $'document' => decorate as {
		'key': text @limit: { , 4 }
	} || throw "length limit exceeded"

	throw "length valid"
	/* suppress unused warnings */
	@log: $'object'.'key'
catch as $ => switch $ => is ( "length limit exceeded" ) (
	| true => no-op // Test successful
	| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do try throw "produce trace-log"
catch as $ => switch $ => is ( "produce trace-log" ) (
	| true => switch error => is ( "VM-Errors:

  > guard::tail                               <source>:3:7
  > root::tail                                <source>:3:3
" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
	| false => throw "caught wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do try {
	let $'data' as {
		'key': text
		'value': @protected text
	} = (
		'key' = "one"
		'value' = "super secret value"

	throw "produce trace-log"
	/* suppress unused warnings */
	@log: $'data' => serialize as JSON
catch as $ => switch $ => is ( "produce trace-log" ) (
	| true => switch error => is ( "VM-Errors:

  > block::+0                                 <source>:12:1
     $data = <schema:node>
          'key': text = \"one\"
          'value': ...

  > guard::tail                               <source>:3:7
  > root::tail                                <source>:3:3
" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
	| false => throw "caught wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do switch "ç" => is ( "ç" ) (
	| true => no-op // Test successful
	| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do switch "Ç" => is case folding ( "ç" ) (
	| true => no-op // Test successful
	| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	/* test vectors for format function */
	let $'vectors' = list (
		file ( token = "{nr,spellout}" extension = "vier­duizend­twee­honderd" ) ,
		file ( token = "{nr,number,currency}" extension = "€ 4.200,00" ) ,
		file ( token = "{nr,number}" extension = "4.200" ) ,
		file ( token = "{nr}" extension = "4.200" ) ,
		file ( token = "{tx}" extension = "hello" ) ,
		file ( token = "{dt,date}" extension = "3 feb. 2021" )
	let $'data' as 'unicode'/'message data' = (
		'types' = {
			create ["dt"] create 'calendar' 212479064430
			create ["nr"] create 'number' 4200
			create ["tx"] create 'text' "hello"

	/* test each vector */
	walk $'vectors' as $ => {
		let $'pattern' = $
		let $'message' = $'pattern'.token => call 'unicode'::'format' with (
			$'data' = ^ $'data'
			$'locale' = "nl_NL"
		) || throw "error"

		switch $'message' => is ( $'pattern'.extension ) (
			| true => no-op // Vector tested successful
			| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	/* test vectors for trim function */
	let $'vectors' as list {
		'input': text
		'result': text
		'align': 'unicode'/'alignment'
		'length': integer
	} = {
		create (
			'input' = "hello"
			'result' = "hello     "
			'align' = option 'left'
			'length' = 10
		create (
			'input' = "hello"
			'result' = "     hello"
			'align' = option 'right'
			'length' = 10
		create (
			'input' = "hello"
			'result' = "hello"
			'align' = option 'left'
			'length' = 2
		create (
			'input' = "à"
			'result' = "à "
			'align' = option 'left'
			'length' = 2

	/* test each vector */
	walk $'vectors' as $ => {
		let $'test' = $ .'input' => call 'unicode'::'pad' with (
			$'align' = $ .'align'
			$'length' = $ .'length'

		switch $'test' => is ( $ .'result' ) (
			| true => no-op // Vector tested successful
			| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'match' = "abcde" => call 'unicode'::'regex' with ( $'pattern' = "[a-z]+" ) || throw "invalid pattern"

	switch $'match' (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'match' = "abCde" => call 'unicode'::'regex' with ( $'pattern' = "[a-z]+" ) || throw "invalid pattern"

	switch $'match' (
		| true => throw "produced wrong value"
		| false => no-op // Test successful
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do try {
	let $'match' = "abcde" => call 'unicode'::'regex' with ( $'pattern' = "[a-z+" ) || throw "invalid pattern"

	throw "valid pattern"
	/* suppress unused warnings */
	switch $'match' (
		| true => no-op
		| false => no-op
catch as $ => switch $ => is ( "invalid pattern" ) (
	| true => no-op // Vector tested successful
	| false => throw "produced wrong value"
provider (
	'lines' = {
		let $'lines' = "line-0

line-2" => call 'unicode'::'split' with ( $'style' = option 'both' )

		walk $'lines' as $ => create (
			'line' = $
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	/* test vectors for trim function */
	let $'vectors' = list (
		"line",     // nothing to trim
		"   line",  // leading spaces
		"line   ",  // trailing spaces
		" l i n e ",  // internal spaces
		" l i n e "  // no-ASCII space

	/* test each vector */
	walk $'vectors' as $ => {
		let $'line' = $
		let $'trim' = $'line' => call 'unicode'::'strip' with ( )

		switch $'trim' => is ( "line" ) (
			| true => no-op // Vector tested successful
			| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	/* test vectors for trim function */
	let $'vectors' = list (
		"line",     // nothing to trim
		"   line",  // leading spaces
		"line   ",  // trailing spaces
		"	line",  // tabs
		" line"    // no-ASCII space

	/* test each vector */
	walk $'vectors' as $ => {
		let $'line' = $
		let $'trim' = $'line' => call 'unicode'::'trim' with ( $'style' = option 'both' )

		switch $'trim' => is ( "line" ) (
			| true => no-op // Vector tested successful
			| false => throw "produced wrong value"
provider (
	'objects' = {
		let $'dataset' = "{\"objects\":{\"one\":{\"success\":true,\"data\":{\"name\":\"tester\",\"age\":42}},\"two\":{\"success\":false,\"data\":{\"language\":\"English\",\"message\":\"This object contains an error message.\"}}}}" => parse as JSON => decorate as {
			'objects': collection {
				'success': boolean
				'data': union (
					'object' {
						'name': text
						'age': integer
					'error' {
						'language': text
						'message': text
		} || throw "dataset could not be decorated"

		walk $'dataset'.'objects' as $ => create (
			'key' = key
			'result' = switch $ .'success' (
				| true => {
					let $'data' = $ .'data' => decorate as union 'object' || throw "object data could not be decorated"

					create 'success' (
						'name' = $'data'.'name'
						'age' = $'data'.'age'
				| false => {
					let $'error' = $ .'data' => decorate as union 'error' || throw "error could not be decorated"

					create 'failure' (
						'language' = $'error'.'language'
						'message' = $'error'.'message'
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'dataset' as collection {
		'success': boolean
		'data': union (
			'object' {
				'name': text
				'age': integer
			'error' {
				'language': text
				'message': text
	} = {
		create ["one"] (
			'success' = true
			'data' = create 'object' (
				'name' = "tester"
				'age' = 42
		create ["two"] (
			'success' = false
			'data' = create 'error' (
				'language' = "English"
				'message' = "This object contains an error message."

	switch $'dataset' => serialize as JSON => is ( "{\"one\":{\"success\":true,\"data\":{\"name\":\"tester\",\"age\":42}},\"two\":{\"success\":false,\"data\":{\"language\":\"English\",\"message\":\"This object contains an error message.\"}}}" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"
consumer ( )

routine 'test' on
do {
	let $'inject' = "<element>Hello world!</element>"
	let $'document' as {
		'root': text
	} = (
		'root' = $'inject'
	let $'text' = $'document' => serialize as XML

	switch $'text' => is ( "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>
<root>&lt;element&gt;Hello world!&lt;/element&gt;</root>
" ) (
		| true => no-op // Test successful
		| false => throw "produced wrong value"