
datastore grammar version 85

  1. The minimal implementation
  2. Context identification path
  3. Node type mapping
  4. Command mapping expressions
  5. Property mapping expressions
    1. Texts, numbers, files, and references
    2. Collections
    3. Groups and stategroups
  6. Navigation expressions
  7. Expressions for mapping safety

The minimal implementation

Every provided interface implementation contains at least

root = root /* context path goes here */ ( /* node type mapping */ )
'variable assignment': [ root = root ] component 'optional variable assignment'
'application root node': component 'interface context id path'
'root': component 'node type mapping'

Context identification path

This path can be used for expressing the context node for an interface (the interface root).

'interface context id path' {
	'has steps': stategroup (
		'no' { }
		'yes' {
			'type': stategroup (
				'collection entry' {
					'collection': [ ., [ ] reference
					'id': [ @, ] ] reference
				'group' { [ + ]
					'group': reference
				'state' { [ ? ]
					'state group': reference
					'state': [ | ] reference
			'variable assignment': component 'optional variable assignment'
			'tail': component 'interface context id path'

Node type mapping

'node type mapping' { [ (, ) ]
	'attributes': dictionary {
		'type': [ : ] stategroup (
			'command' { [ command ]
				'implementation': component 'command mapping'
			'property' {
				'type': stategroup (
					'collection' { [ collection ]
						'type': stategroup (
							'empty' { [ = empty ] }
							'dynamic' {
								'key constraint': stategroup (
									'no' { [ = ]
										'key constructor': component 'key constructor'
									'yes' { [ ->, = ]
										'referencer': group {
											'head': component 'singular imp node path'
											'collection': [ . ] reference
											'branches': [ (, ) ] dictionary { [ -| ]
												'tail': component 'conditional descendant imp node path'
								'has branch': stategroup = node-switch .'branches' (
									| nodes = 'yes' { 'first' = first }
									| none  = 'no'
								'branches': [ (, ) ] dictionary {
									'has successor': stategroup = node-switch successor (
										| node = 'yes' { 'successor' = successor }
										| none = 'no'
									'expression': [ = ] component 'collection expression'
									'key constraint': stategroup (
										'no' { }
										'yes' { [ (, ) ]
											'branch': [ from ] reference
											'key path': [ >[, ] ] component 'collection key node path'
									'node': component 'node type mapping'
					'group' { [ group ]
						'expression': [ = ] component 'group expression'
						'node': component 'node type mapping'
					'number' { [ number ]
						'expression': [ = ] component 'number expression'
					'state group' { [ stategroup ]
						'expression': [ = ] component 'state expression'
					'text' { [ text ]
						'has constraint': stategroup (
							'no' {
								'expression': [ = ] component 'text expression'
							'yes' {
								'referencer': [ -> ] group {
									'head': component 'singular imp node path'
									'collection': [ . ] reference
									'branch': [ -| ] reference
									'tail': component 'conditional descendant imp node path'
								'expression': [ = ] component 'reference expression'
					'file' { [ file ]
						'expression': [ = ] component 'file expression'

Command mapping expressions

'command mapping' { [ do ]
	'path': [ on ] component 'singular node path'
	'command': [ ( ] reference
	'parameter mapping': [ with, ) ] component 'parameter mapping'
'parameter mapping' { [ (, ) ]
	'properties': dictionary {
		'type': [ : ] stategroup (
			'group' { [ group = ]
				'group': [ @ . ] reference
				'parameter mapping': component 'parameter mapping'
			'collection' { [ collection ]
				'collection': [ = map @ . ] reference
				'parameter mapping': component 'parameter mapping'
			'number' { [ number ]
				'number': [ = @ # ] reference
			'text' { [ text ]
				'type': [ = ] stategroup (
					'parameter' {
						'text': [ @ . ] reference
					'variable' {
						'path': component 'context node path'
			'file' { [ file ]
				'file': [ = @ / ] reference
			'state group' { [ stategroup ]
				'type': [ = ] stategroup (
					'fixed' {
						'state': reference
						'parameter mapping': component 'parameter mapping'
					'map' { [ switch @ ]
						'state group': [ ? ] reference
						'mapping': [ (, ) ] dictionary { [ | ]
							'mapped state': [ = ] reference
							'parameter mapping': component 'parameter mapping'
					'match branch' { [ match-branch ]
						'path': group {
							'head': component 'parametrized singular imp node path'
							'collection': [ . ] reference
							'reference': [ [ @ >, ] ] reference
						'branches': [ (, ) ] dictionary { [ | ]
							'state mapping context variable': stategroup (
								'current variable' { }
								'branch context variable' { [ bind $ ] }
							'state': [ = ] reference
							'parameter mapping': component 'parameter mapping'

Property mapping expressions

Texts, numbers, files, and references

'text expression' {
	'path': component 'singular node path'
	'text': [ . ] reference
'number expression' {
	'path': component 'singular node path'
	'number': [ # ] reference
'file expression' {
	'path': component 'singular node path'
	'file': [ / ] reference
'reference expression' {
	'path': component 'singular node path'
	'text': [ > ] reference
	'key path': [ (, ) ] component 'collection key node path'


'key separator' {
	'separator': [ join ] stategroup (
		'dot' { [ . ] }
		'dash' { [ - ] }
		'colon' { [ : ] }
		'greater than' { [ > ] }
		'space' { [ space ] }
'key constructor' {
	'branch concatenation': stategroup (
		'yes' {
			'type': stategroup (
				'prepend' { [ prepend-branch ] }
				'append' { [ append-branch ] }
		'no' { }
	'key separator': stategroup (
		'yes' {
			'key separator': component 'key separator'
		'no' { }
'collection expression' {
	'head': component 'context node path'
	'tail': component 'collection expression tail'
'collection expression tail' {
	'has steps': stategroup (
		'no' {
			'filter': component 'filter expression'
		'yes' {
			'type': stategroup (
				'singular' {
					'step': component 'singular node step'
				'conditional' {
					'step': component 'conditional descendant node step'
				'plural' {
					'step': component 'plural descendant node step'
			'variable assignment': component 'optional variable assignment'
			'tail': component 'collection expression tail'
'filter expression' {
	'has filter': stategroup (
		'no' { }
		'yes' { [ where ]
			'has filters': stategroup = node-switch .'filters' (
				| nodes = 'yes' { 'first' = first }
				| none  = 'no'
			'filters': [ (, ) ] dictionary { [ $ ]
				'has successor': stategroup = node-switch successor (
					| node = 'yes' { 'successor' = successor }
					| none = 'no'
				'type': stategroup (
					'singular result' {
						'path': [ = ] component 'conditional node path'
					'equality' { [ = equal ]
						'left path': [ ( ] component 'singular node path'
						'right path': [ ,, ) ] component 'singular node path'

Groups and stategroups

'group expression' {
	'type': stategroup (
		'none' { }
		'bound' {
			'path': component 'singular node path'
			'variable assignment': component 'variable assignment'
'state expression' {
	'type': stategroup (
		'static' {
			'state': reference
			'node': component 'node type mapping'
		'dynamic' { [ switch ]
			'path': component 'singular node path'
			'state group': [ ? ] reference
			'states': [ (, ) ] dictionary { [ | ]
				'variable assignment': component 'optional variable assignment'
				'state': [ = ] reference
				'node': component 'node type mapping'

'optional variable assignment' {
	'has assignment': stategroup (
		'no' { }
		'yes' {
			'assignment': component 'variable assignment'
'variable assignment' { [ as $ ] }
'ancestor variable path' {
	'has steps': stategroup (
		'no' { [ $ ] }
		'yes' { [ $^ ]
			'tail': component 'ancestor variable path'
'context node path' {
	'type': stategroup (
		'root' { [ root ] }
		'variable' {
			'head': component 'ancestor variable path'
			'type': stategroup (
				'variable' { }
				'filter' {
					'filter': reference
'singular node path' {
	'head': component 'context node path'
	'tail': component 'singular node path tail'
'singular node path tail' {
	'has steps': stategroup (
		'no' { }
		'yes' {
			'step': component 'singular node step'
			'tail': component 'singular node path tail'
'singular node step' {
	'type': stategroup (
		'group' { [ + ]
			'group': reference
		'reference' {
			'text': [ > ] reference
		'reference rule' {
			'text': [ . ] reference
			'rule': [ & ] reference
		'state rule' {
			'rule': [ & ] reference
'conditional node path' {
	'head': component 'context node path'
	'tail': component 'conditional node path tail'
'conditional node path tail' {
	'head': component 'singular node path tail'
	'has steps': stategroup (
		'no' { }
		'yes' {
			'step': component 'conditional descendant node step'
			'tail': component 'conditional node path tail'
'conditional descendant node step' {
	'type': stategroup (
		'state' {
			'state group': [ ? ] reference
			'state': [ | ] reference
		'collection entry' {
			'collection': [ . ] reference
			'key': [ [, ] ] group {
				'path': component 'singular node path'
				'key source': stategroup (
					'link' {
						'text': [ |> ] reference
					'node' { }
'plural descendant node step' {
	'collection': [ ., * ] reference
	'legacy annotation': stategroup (
		'base' { }
		'derived' { [ (derived) ] }

Expressions for mapping safety

'collection key node path' {
	'has steps': stategroup (
		'no' { }
		'yes' {
			'type': stategroup (
				'reference' { [ > ]
					'text': reference
				'parent' { [ ^ ] }
				'filter' { [ $ ]
					'filter': reference
			'tail': component 'collection key node path'
'conditional descendant branch imp node path' {
	'type': stategroup (
		'static' { }
		'dynamic' {
			'state': [ | ] reference
'conditional descendant imp node path' {
	'has steps': stategroup (
		'no' { }
		'yes' {
			'type': stategroup (
				'state' { [ ? ]
					'state group': reference
					'path': component 'conditional descendant branch imp node path'
				'group' { [ + ]
					'group': reference
			'tail': component 'conditional descendant imp node path'
'singular imp node path' {
	'has steps': stategroup (
		'no' { }
		'yes' {
			'type': stategroup (
				'parent' { [ ^ ] }
				'group' { [ + ]
					'group': reference
				'reference' { [ > ]
					'reference': reference
			'tail': component 'singular imp node path'
'ancestor parameter path' {
	'has steps': stategroup (
		'no' { [ @ ] }
		'yes' {
			'type': stategroup (
				'state parent' { [ @?^ ] }
				'collection parent' { [ @.^ ] }
			'tail': component 'ancestor parameter path'
'parametrized singular imp node path' {
	'has steps': stategroup (
		'no' { }
		'yes' {
			'type': stategroup (
				'collection entry' {
					'collection': [ . ] reference
					'single branch': stategroup (
						'yes' { }
					'key': [ [, ] ] group {
						'path': component 'ancestor parameter path'
						'reference': [ > ] reference
				'group' {
					'group': [ + ] reference
			'tail': component 'parametrized singular imp node path'