
webclient grammar version seven.5.0

'dependencies': dictionary { [ using ] }
'views': dictionary {
	'translate title': stategroup (
		'no' { }
		'yes' {
			'title': [ as ] reference
	'start context': component 'model context'
	'node type': [ (, ) ] component 'gui node type path'
	'queries': dictionary { [ query ]
		'context': [ from ] stategroup (
			'node' {
				'switch': stategroup (
					'current' {
						'query context': component 'gui node type path step'
					'root' { [ root ] }
				'path': [ path ] component 'query path'
			'candidates' { [ candidates of ]
				'property context': component 'gui node type path step'
				'property': [ reference: ] reference
		'todo filter': stategroup (
			'yes' { [ where has-todo ]
				'path': [ (, ) ] component 'conditional path'
			'no' { }
		'query limits': [ limit: ] group {
			'sample size': integer
			'show all limit': [ / ] integer
			'absolute maximum': [ / ] integer
		'has columns': stategroup = node-switch .'columns' (
			| nodes = 'yes' { 'first' = first }
			| none  = 'no'
		'columns': [ [, ] ] dictionary {
			'has successor': stategroup = node-switch successor (
				| node = 'yes' { 'successor' = successor }
				| none = 'no'
			'name': reference
			'column type': stategroup (
				'id' { [ id ] }
				'content' { }
			'path': [ -> ] component 'conditional path'
			'type': [ : ] stategroup (
				'text' {
					'text': [ text ] reference
					'filter': stategroup (
						'none' { }
						'simple' { [ filter ]
							'criteria': text
						'current id path' { [ filter ] }
				'file' { [ file ]
					'file': reference
				'number' {
					'number': [ number ] reference
					'has filter': stategroup (
						'no' { }
						'yes' { [ filter ]
							'operator selected': stategroup (
								'no' { }
								'yes' {
									'operator': stategroup (
										'smaller than' { [ < ] }
										'smaller than or equal to' { [ <= ] }
										'equal to' { [ = ] }
										'greater than or equal to' { [ >= ] }
										'greater than' { [ > ] }
							'initial criteria': stategroup (
								'none' { [ none ] }
								'yes' {
									'source': stategroup (
										'now' { [ now ]
											'has offset': stategroup (
												'none' { }
												'yes' {
													'offset': [ + ] integer
										'static' {
											'number': integer //fixme nest criteria in operator selected
				'state group' {
					'state group': [ stategroup ] reference
					'has filter': stategroup (
						'no' { }
						'yes' { [ filter ]
							'filter enabled': stategroup (
								'yes' { [ enabled ] }
								'no' { [ disabled ] }
							'states': [ ? ] dictionary { [ | ]
								'is selected': stategroup (
									'no' { }
									'yes' { [ selected ] }
				'widget' {
					'widget column context': component 'model context'
					'instance': component 'widget instance'
	'instance': component 'widget expression'
'model context' { }
'gui node type path step' {
	'has steps': stategroup (
		'no' { }
		'yes' {
			'attribute': [ . ] reference
			'type': stategroup (
				'state' {
					'state': [ ? ] reference
				'node' { }
			'tail': component 'gui node type path step'
'gui node type path' {
	'steps': component 'gui node type path step'
'gui widget configuration list' {
	'has steps': stategroup (
		'no' { [ ] ] }
		'yes' {
			'configuration': component 'gui widget configuration node'
			'tail': component 'gui widget configuration list'
'view context parent path' {
	'type': stategroup (
		'state parent' { [ ?^ ] }
		'collection parent' { [ .^ ] }
		'group parent' { [ +^ ] }
	'has tail': stategroup (
		'no' { }
		'yes' {
			'tail': component 'view context parent path'
'view context path' {
	'has steps': stategroup (
		'no' { }
		'yes' {
			'type': stategroup (
				'query entry' { [ entry ] }
				'parent' {
					'path': component 'view context parent path'
				'reference' { [ > ] }
				'entity' { [ $ ] }
				'state rule' { [ *& ] }
'widget expression' {
	'type': stategroup (
		'group' {
			'group': [ + ] reference
			'group context': component 'model context'
			'next': component 'widget expression'
		'state' {
			'state group': [ ? ] reference
			'state': [ | ] reference
			'state context': component 'model context'
			'next': component 'widget expression'
		'switch' {
			'state group': [ switch ] reference
			'states': [ (, ) ] dictionary { [ | ]
				'state context': component 'model context'
				'next': [ -> ] component 'widget expression'
		'parent' { [ ^ ]
			'parent context': component 'model context'
			'next': component 'widget expression'
		'widget' {
			'widget': component 'widget instance'
'widget instance' {
	'widget': reference
	'configuration': component 'gui widget configuration node'
'gui widget configuration attribute' {
	'type': stategroup (
		'widget' { [ : widget ]
			'instance': component 'widget expression'
		'window' {
			'window': [ window ] reference
			'configuration': component 'gui widget configuration node'
		'view' {
			'render': stategroup (
				'inline' { [ : inline view ] }
				'in window' { [ : open view ]
					'window': [ @ ] reference
			'using views': stategroup (
				'internal' { }
				'external' { [ from ]
					'views': reference
			'view context': component 'view context path'
			'view': [ : ] reference
		'configuration' { [ : ]
			'type': stategroup (
				'number' {
					'source': stategroup (
						'now' { [ now ]
							'has offset': stategroup (
								'none' { }
								'yes' {
									'offset': [ + ] integer
						'static' {
							'number': integer
				'text' {
					'type': stategroup (
						'static' {
							'value': text
						'phrase' {
							'value': reference
				'list' {
					'list': [ [ ] component 'gui widget configuration list'
				'states list' {
					'has states': stategroup = node-switch .'states' (
						| nodes = 'yes' { 'first' = first }
						| none  = 'no'
					'states': [ (, ) ] dictionary {
						'has successor': stategroup = node-switch successor (
							| node = 'yes' { 'successor' = successor }
							| none = 'no'
						'configuration': [ -> ] component 'gui widget configuration node'
				'state group' {
					'state': reference
					'configuration': component 'gui widget configuration node'
		'model binding' { [ :: ]
			'type': stategroup (
				'window' { [ window ]
					'window': reference
					'configuration': component 'gui widget configuration node'
				'entity' { [ entity ]
					'context': component 'model context'
					'configuration': component 'gui widget configuration node'
				'current node' { [ node ]
					'configuration': component 'gui widget configuration node'
				'collection' { [ collection ]
					'property path': component 'model binding property path'
					'collection': [ . ] reference
					'collection context': component 'model context'
					'configuration': component 'gui widget configuration node'
				'ordered graph' { [ ordered-graph ]
					'ordered graph': [ : ] reference
					'configuration': component 'gui widget configuration node'
				'sort property' { [ sort ]
					'on': stategroup (
						'text' { [ text ] }
						'number' { [ number ] }
						'state group' { [ stategroup ] }
					'property path': component 'model binding property path'
					'property': reference
					'property context': component 'model context'
					'configuration': component 'gui widget configuration node'
				'query' { [ query ]
					'query context': stategroup (
						'node' {
							'switch': stategroup (
								'root' { [ on root ]
									'query': reference
								'current node' {
									'property path': component 'model binding property path'
									'query': reference
						'candidates' { [ candidates ]
							'query': reference
					'has refresh interval': stategroup (
						'no' { }
						'yes' { [ refresh: ]
							'interval': integer
					'configuration': component 'gui widget configuration node'
				'group' {
					'group context': component 'model context'
					'group': [ group ] reference
					'configuration': component 'gui widget configuration node'
				'state group' { [ stategroup ]
					'property path': component 'model binding property path'
					'state group': reference
					'configuration': [ -> ] component 'gui widget configuration node'
				'state' { [ state ]
					'state group context': stategroup (
						'states list' { }
						'state group binding' {
							'state': [ | ] reference
					'state context': component 'model context'
					'configuration': component 'gui widget configuration node'
				'state rule' { [ *& ]
					'rule': reference
					'state rule context': component 'model context'
					'configuration': component 'gui widget configuration node'
				'number' { [ number ]
					'number context': component 'model context'
					'property path': component 'model binding property path'
					'property': reference
					'configuration': component 'gui widget configuration node'
				'text' { [ text ]
					'text context': component 'model context'
					'property path': component 'model binding property path'
					'property': reference
					'configuration': component 'gui widget configuration node'
				'file' { [ file ]
					'file context': component 'model context'
					'property path': component 'model binding property path'
					'property': reference
					'configuration': component 'gui widget configuration node'
				'command' { [ command ]
					'command context': component 'model context'
					'property path': component 'model binding property path'
					'command': reference
					'configuration': component 'gui widget configuration node'
				'action' { [ action ]
					'action context': component 'model context'
					'property path': component 'model binding property path'
					'action': reference
					'can use containing view': stategroup (
						'no' { }
						'yes' { [ use containing view ] }
					'view bindings': dictionary {
						'window': [ : open view @ ] reference
						'using views': stategroup (
							'internal' { }
							'external' { [ from ]
								'views': reference
						'view': [ : ] reference
						'can open entry': stategroup (
							'no' { }
							'yes' {
								'window': [ and open view @ ] reference
								'using views': stategroup (
									'internal' { }
									'external' { [ from ]
										'views': reference
								'view': [ : ] reference
					'configuration': component 'gui widget configuration node'
				'query number' {
					'number': [ query number ] reference
					'configuration': component 'gui widget configuration node'
				'query text' {
					'text': [ query text ] reference
					'configuration': component 'gui widget configuration node'
				'query file' {
					'file': [ query file ] reference
					'configuration': component 'gui widget configuration node'
				'query stategroup' {
					'stategroup': [ query stategroup ] reference
					'configuration': component 'gui widget configuration node'
				'report' {
					'report': [ report ] reference
					'configuration': component 'gui widget configuration node'
				'report text parameter' {
					'text': [ report text ] reference
					'configuration': component 'gui widget configuration node'
				'report number parameter' {
					'number': [ report number ] reference
					'configuration': component 'gui widget configuration node'
'gui widget configuration node' { [ {, } ]
	'configuration': dictionary {
		'attribute': component 'gui widget configuration attribute'
'singular path' {
	'has steps': stategroup (
		'no' { }
		'yes' {
			'type': stategroup (
				'parent' { [ ^ ] }
				'group' {
					'group': [ + ] reference
				'reference' {
					'reference': [ > ] reference
				'reference rule' {
					'reference': [ > ] reference
					'rule': [ $ ] reference
				'state rule' {
					'rule': [ & ] reference
			'tail': component 'singular path'
'conditional path' {
	'head': component 'singular path'
	'has steps': stategroup (
		'no' { }
		'yes' {
			'type': stategroup (
				'state' {
					'state group': [ ? ] reference
					'state': [ | ] reference
				'optional reference' {
					'text': [ ~> ] reference
				'collection entry' {
					'collection': [ . ] reference
					'entry key': text
			'tail': component 'conditional path'
'model binding property path' {
	'has steps': stategroup (
		'no' { }
		'yes' {
			'type': stategroup (
				'group' {
					'group': [ + ] reference
				'state group' {
					'state group': [ ? ] reference
					'state': [ | ] reference
			'tail': component 'model binding property path'
'query path step' {
	'has steps': stategroup (
		'no' { }
		'yes' {
			'type': stategroup (
				'group' {
					'group': [ + ] reference
				'state' {
					'state group': [ ? ] reference
					'state': [ | ] reference
			'tail': component 'query path step'
'query path' {
	'has steps': stategroup (
		'no' { }
		'yes' {
			'head': component 'query path step'
			'collection': [ . ] reference
			'tail': component 'query path'